Menyelami Sumber Dana Calon Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia~ Malaysiakini

Friday, October 31, 2008

Umum mengetahui suka atau tidak politik wang memang dipraktikkan oleh semua calon Ketua Pemuda. Tak guna-lah sesiapa pun cuba menyelindung dosa mana-mana calon. Tapi tren pencalonan untuk ketiga-tiga calon Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia menimbulkan tanda tanya mengenai apakah sebabnya kadar pencalonan Berani Berubah Mukhriz Mahathir kian hambar berbanding awal musim pencalonan dahulu. Kes angka pencalonan Khir Toyo pula terbalik – secara tiba-tiba melonjak tinggi ke angka 47 walhal sebelumnya Khir dilihat berkemungkinan tidak layak bertanding PAU Mac nanti.

Tren sebegini menunjukkan kelainan strategi mainan politik wang yang digunakan ketiga-tiga calon. Jika benarlah rata-rata para perwakilan mencalonkan mana-mana individu berdasarkan kebolehan masing-masing, fenomena aneh seperti yang terjadi sekarang tak logik berlaku. Contohnya, jika slogan Berani Berubah itu benar-benar menambat hati para perwakilan, nescaya momentum awal Mukhriz pastinya telah melihat beliau melepasi angka pencalonan 100 sekarang ini. Tetapi tidak; yang jadinya Khir Toyo yang PR akar umbinya disegani kawan dan lawan pula yang mengambil-alih momentum Mukhriz. Kadar pencalonan Khairy Jamaluddin pula tampak agak konsisten, sungguhpun dikatakan kurang digemari para perwakilan akar umbi kerana perwatakannya yang agak elit ala-Oxford walaupun kepintaran dan karismanya tidak dapat dinafikan.

Barangkali Mukhriz banyak 'menabur' pada awal musim pencalonan dan berjaya mendominasi peringkat awal; kem Khairy dikhabarkan kurang memberi wang berbanding dua lawannya (mungkin ketandusan dana semenjak bapa mertuanya melepaskan jawatan Menteri Kewangan); taktik Khir Toyo pula agak drastik – membelanjakan jumlah wang yang besar pada 'second half' untuk mengejutkan para penyokong Mukhriz dan Khairy di Bahagian-bahagian seperti Bukit Bintang, PJU, Sipitang dan Balik Pulau.

Dana Khir Toyo kita sedia maklum datangnya dari komisen projek-projek sewaktu menjadi MB Selangor dahulu – Syabas, Lebar Daun – serta proksi-proksinya lain seperti Wijaya Corp yang dipimpin Ketua Pemuda Kapar Faizal Abdullah. Khairy tak payah ceritalah, siapa pun dah tahu. Sumber dana Mukhriz pula agak kabur sedikit, walaupun ternyata bapanya dan abangnya Mokhzani pasti membantu.

Namun, dengan pendedahan syarikat subsidiari syarikat Mokhzani, Kencana Mermaid Drilling Sdn Bhd sebagai penerima kontrak carigali terbaru Petronas bernilai USD235 juta (RM, harapan Mukhriz untuk meraih kedudukan Ketua Pemuda tampak lebih cerah kerana 'kos' menjelang bulan Mac nanti akan jauh lebih tinggi daripada 'kos' musim pencalonan yang telah hampir tamat ini.

Yang peliknya, Kencana Mermaid ini bukannya syarikat carigali dan tidak langsung mempunyai sebarang rekod dalam usaha mencarigali. Apakah wajar Kencana Mermaid dianugerahkan kontrak sebegitu besar ini, terutamanya tatkala ekonomi Malaysia dan industri petroleum sedunia yang kurang stabil dengan harga turun naik mendadak?

Maruah dan kepentingan bangsa dan negara tidak boleh diketepikan untuk mana-mana calon. Penulis akan tetap mengkritik sesiapa sahaja yang dilihat mencabul prinsip ini, serta mengetengahkan kisah-kisah rasuah, skandal dan korupsi terhina.


Ipoh Marley said...

apa lg MAHA KAYA..jadi la pejuang bangsa yg sejati..x gentar melawan pengkhianat bangsa..

xperlu menyalak dlm blog je..

sila buat laporan ke BPR jika sgala kenyataan diatas anda ketahui maklumatnya..sbb cara anda menulis kelihatan anda mempunyai bukti2 yg kukuh..baru la anda digelar sbg penulis blog yg BERTANGGUNGJAWAB

jgn baling batu sembunyi tgn..

Anonymous said...

Dalam The Edge ada bukti kukuh, sapa yang penasihat Petronas dan Kencana sapa CEO? Itulah bukti bebal.

Anonymous said...

agak pelik macammana Khir toyo boleh mendapat pencalonan yang sama dengan khairy dalam masa yang singkat.


adakah kerana :

a)setelah Mukhriz layak,maka pencalonan diberi pula kepada Khairy dan Khir.
b)khir telah "menabur" lebih banyak pada saat-saat akhir?.

apapun masih banyak lagi bahagian yang belum mencalonkan nama.diharap bahagian-bahagian tersebut mencalonkan nama yang layak bekerja dan bukannya mencalonkan mereka diatas berapa banyak yang mereka laburkan.

Anonymous said...

GONDANG ingin menegur Hadi, apa yang dibaca dlm blog, bukan 'menyalak'. Gunakan bahasa yang elok, jika kita tidak mahu orang melemparkan semula kata-kata kesat kepada kita. Apa salah, bercakap, menulis dan berkata dengan nada dan bahasa yang enak? Laporan BPR mestilah dibuat dengan bukti dan bukan serkap jarang. Penulis menulis apa yang dia tahu dan kalau Sdr Hadi tahu apa 'penyelewengan' atau 'poliitk wang' bangkitlah, buat aduan kepada BPR. Jangan teguran orang kita tidak dapat terima... malah, kita kutuk lagi. Apa hal?

Generasi Pejuang Bangsa said...

saya setuju dgn blogger... kencana baru shj mendapat kontrak besar carigali minyak dari Petronas

dulu che det bengang scomi dok dpt kontrak dan kini anak dia pulak dpat. sudah la chet det diam la ..anak hang pun dh dpt .hang pun sama mcm pak lah juga ..biasala sapa pun PM akan tolong company kroni2 dulu la.

Cheguman said...

Satu andaian yg menarik. Tak perlulah serang tuan rumah ni. Sekurang2nya dia membuka jalan utk direnungi sejenak. Mungkin akan ada penafian atau tambahan bukti pula nanti.

Saya masih berharap agar segala andaian begini tidak berasas.

Anonymous said...

Selagi ada politik wang ni, selagi tu kita bermasalah untuk mendapatkan pemimpin yang berkemampuan. Ini kerana kedudukan mereka ditentukan dengan wang dan bukan kebolehan. Semua harus sedar dengan keadaan ini dan harus berubah jika ingin UMNO kembali kuat.

Anonymous said...

berita tu ada atas

link mengesahkan mokhzani dgn syarikat tu ada sini$FILE/KENCANA-Cover%20to%20Page%2021%20(2.7MB).pdf

Anonymous said...

mukhris penipu!!! ckp tak main politik wang.apa cite dgn mesyuarat bahagian...brape banyak duit kau dah keluar botak...ingat duit banyak ko boleh beli undi ker..lain kali bagi banyak lagi la...kita org ada hak ambik balik apa yang ko n family ko sakau dulu..

Anonymous said...

A non-malay even though he is more capable and more qualified but cannot:

Be - the prime minister of the country
Be - the deputy PM of the country
Be - the head of any branch of the armed forces in the country
Be - the head of department in a ministry
Be - the head prefect of a national school
Be - the head of state of the states with no rulers
Be - the IGP of the country
Be - nominated as the best of the best in the school
Be - the secretary-general or deputy secretary-general of a ministry

What is worse is that the PM goes around telling people, repeating a crazy lie, by saying that - "We do not practice racial discrimination in our country".

Did the MCA and MIC leaders agree to this contract in1957?

Did the people in Sabah and Sarawak also agree to this contract in 1963?

I think malays will keeping to give rubbish answer!

Anonymous said...

Who wants to stay home and serve here where meritocracy gives way to racial preference? I am a two-time graduate in University Malaya (masters and bachelors degree) and I used to hope that my children could enter a local university someday.

But with sliding university ranking and invisible barriers to keep non-malay students away, I have changed my mind. If I have the opportunity and money avails itself, I will send my children to overseas universities and ask them to emigrate there. We can rot and die here, but not the children.

This brain drain is not a problem to Umno at all. In fact, Umno is happy to see more and more of our talents leaving. Their power base will then be more secure.

All this started with Dr Mahathir. He believed that a half competent malay was better than a fully competent non-malay to serve the nation. This is clearly reflected in the progressive exclusion of non-malays from teaching profession academia, public service and other areas in the public sector as well GLCs since the early 1980s.

During Dr Mahathir's ethnic cleansing of the Malaysia public service, thousands of qualified non-malays left the country for Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Such departure was view positively by Dr Mahathir - it meant that there were more positions available for malays. That short-term thinking has had dire consequences.

During the regional economic boom of 1990s, Malaysia prospered. There was plenty of money. Incompetence and corruption did not matter - a failure could always be rectified through bailout; high costs (e.g. Proton) could always be neutralised through subsidies (for export) or higher prices (for local consumption).

The scenario today is different. Competition is stiff. Newcomers such as Vietnam are breathing down our neck. Giants (India and China) have awakened and are marching unimpeded.

Malaysia needs to exploit all its resources to meet the global challenge. Ignoring 40% of its most valuable resource (e.g. human capital - Indians, Chinese and East Malaysians) is no way to meet the challenge.

Badawi needs to put in place a policy for exploiting the most valuable resource Malaysia has - its people, including the Indians, Chinese and others. Otherwise, this resource will move away to the competitors of Malaysia.

If deployed properly, the talents will be a source of competitive advantage. If not deployed appropriately, the talents will become a source of relative competitive disadvantage for Malaysia when they end up in other countries.

Majority of the non-malays work in multinational companies. With the rate our government and GLCs pissing off these MNCs! These MNCs are moving out of Malaysia.

Get real! Why majority of the non-malays don't work inside GLCs? What do you think they would do when these MNCs are gone? Work in GLCs or emigrate outside Malaysia?

Some of my friends are always skeptical of Singapore.

Of course, Singapore intention is to protect their own interests (isn't what a government is for) - talented people are very mobile nowadays. Singapore also encounters brain drain to the West (US, EU, Australia), so they need new talents to come in.

They prefer Malaysians, as there are cultural ties - easy to adapt to the environment (multiracialism, language, weather, etc), like their Mr Everest climbers.

But they also welcome white mans, Thais, Indians, and Hong Kong Chinese too etc. Just take a MRT ride or go to the housing estate - you see many foreigners (not the illegal immigrant type).

We have our own national interests and should protect it, but we have more outflow of talent than inflow. Just see how we treat the economist who had a different method of calculating the bumi ratio of the economy - how to attract talent?

Some of my Malaysian friends have been offered citizenship and a few have accepted……….so those talents not going back to Malaysia.

Singapore is following US policy, US still attracted the best brains from all over the world regardless of color, check out the composition of employment in term of nationality in Silicon Valley and Nasa, you will know why it succeed, America is land of immigrants.

Umno policy is that if Umno cannot have it no other Malaysian should have it. Umno prefers a Mat Salleh (because that is a temporary situation) to have it rather than any other non-Umno Malaysian to have it.

I have been advising my relatives and friends for a long time since years ago - to encourage their children to apply for a Singapore scholarship to attend a university in Singapore even it that means she/he has to serve Singapore for 10 years.

At least, that will provide him for the future. So what is 10 years! He is free to utilise his talent as he pleases after that 10 years. I have 3 nephews who got Singapore scholarships, then served the Singapore government and are now working and being successful in Hong Kong and America.

They are heads of multinational companies. They will never be allowed to succeed in Malaysia because there is identification of race with jobs. All jobs even slightly connected with the Umno government must have malay employees. That is the new NEP.

Dear Malaysians, I don't understand why the brains should not leave this country. The malays are definitely feel threaten by these brains, so we rather let them leave the country.

Malaysia pays peanuts and racially biased! That is why! Simple as that! Go to England, Australia and even the US hospitals and take a count of how many Malaysian born doctors are there, good doctors, man!

I traveled the world over and have lived in UK, Australia and the US. I have talked and met to these doctors. They not being unpatriotic, it is the Malaysia that is not doing the right thing!

I think Singapore should attack Malaysia and expand its territory to southern Johor. All the Indians and Chinese should migrate to southern Johor, and together with Singapore, forms a new Singapore.

Ex-Malaysians in exiles like myself will support this feasible plan. I am sure millions of overseas and mainland Chinese and Indians are excited about my suggestion.

When all the Muslim brothers from Uganda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia etc etc, become bumis and enjoy the handout from NEP, there will be the day when the malays realize that they are being marginalize by its own Umno policy.

You can start counting the increasing numbers of Mamak in politics!

In Malaysia, we Malaysian Chinese just need to compete with fellow Malaysians only (where mostly lazy people). Easy to become rich - as we are governed by stupid and lazy people.

We can easily own several houses, luxury condos, own a bungalow at good location, as own and drive luxury cars in Malaysia.

In Singapore, not so easy, we have to compete with Singapore Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, China Chinese and Taiwan Chinese. Not easy to become rich as Singapore government too smart.

Malaysia will continue to lose its talents not only to Singapore, and other countries but the Umno malays don't give a damn. Their thinking is so long as the malays benefit, the country can go to the pigs and dogs.

They hold the entrenched view that it is better for Malaysia to be another Zimbabwe or Nepal if being in the ranks of Singapore and Japan means malays losing out to the others.

Lim Keng Yaik said that Singapore was a small country, so it was easily to govern. In fact, it is not so. Because of its size, it lacks most of the factors of production that we learn in economics.

Land is scarce, and its domestic market is small. However, it recognises that what it has is its labours. No wonder that it is wooing all the brains from Malaysia, since Malaysia does not appreciate them.

Instead, Malaysia seems to be attracting the top criminals as shown by the sharp increase in crime rate. Malaysia with its oil, tin, rubber, oil palm etc, will forever not be able to beat a small country like Singapore because of its incompetent leaders and their cronies who are only interested in their own pockets.

Before the NEP, UM was one of the top universities in the world. After the NEP, it has become trash because it rejects the best minds. The only pro of NEP is if you are in Umno or a friend of theirs.

All the Singaporeans I have met were very nice to me and treat me like one of theirs. We are the same people and I am always in favour of reunification with Singapore.

Anonymous said...

If only the malays are a bit smarter, then BN won't win. The problem is malays are too damn stupid that they keep voting for BN. I don't know what poison BN gave to make them in this state.



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