Bukan Ekonomi Malaysia Yang Akan Berkecai, Pakatan Rapuh Yang Akan Berkecai!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Oleh: Jebat

Ekonomi Malaysia Akan Berkecai!! Kata Anwar Ibrahim, untuk memastikan ekonomi Malaysia benar benar berkecai, Anwar perlu meminta pertolongan kuncu kuncu yahudi untuk memastikan cakapnya benar!

Sebenarnya bukan Ekonomi Malaysia yang akan berkecai, tetapi Pakatan Rapuh yang akan berkecai.

Pergolakan demi pergolakan yang berlaku di kalangan pemimpin pakatan pembangkang sejak kebelakangan ini menunjukkan mereka hanya memperjuangkan kepentingan individu tertentu.

Apa yang berlaku dalam pakatan pembangkang ketika ini bukan sesuatu yang menghairankan.

Tidak sampai setahun mentadbir di beberapa negeri, belang pakatan pembangkang terutama DAP boleh nampak dengan jelas.

Di peringkat akar umbi telah memaklumkan rakyat di negeri-negeri yang ditadbir pakatan pembangkang semakin berasa tertindas.

Kita sudah boleh nampak kepimpinan mereka ini semakin terhakis apabila teruji dalam keadaan sebegini. Selama ini mereka hanya tahu membantah apa yang kerajaan buat.

Jelas mencerminkan bahawa pakatan pembangkang hanya menjadi alat untuk meraih undi rakyat semasa pilihan raya umum semata-mata.

Apa yang dibuat kerajaan semua tak kena, sekarang apabila diberi mandat, rasalah sendiri. Tak sampai setahun habis semua dah nak berkecai, politik pecah belah dan kepentingan individu terlalu ketara dalam pakatan pembangkang. Kalau tidak ada Barisan Nasional (BN) sudah tentu semuanya akan hancur.

Pemimpin dan ahli pakatan pembangkang tidak seharusnya mengambil pendirian tunggu dan lihat sebaliknya perlu meninggalkan segera parti masing-masing sebelum pakatan yang mereka cipta itu musnah.

Dengan pergolakan politik yang semakin serius akhir-akhir ini, pakatan pembangkang yang kini dikenali sebagai ‘pakatan rapuh’ diibaratkan sebagai ‘retak menanti belah’ BOLEH BLAH!



Surat terbuka buat Datuk Seri Dr Zambry

Friday, February 26, 2010

Assalamualaikum Datuk Seri Dr Zambry.

Semoga Negeri Perak akan sejahtera dibawah pemerintahan Datuk seri setelah kita dikejutkan apabila Negeri Perak telah ditawan oleh Pihak pembangkang atas kesilapan yang pernah kita lakukan sebelum ini. Mujurlah kita mua sedar dan bekerja keras untuk memperbaiki kelemahan yang kita ada dan berjaya menawan kembali Perak dalam masa setahun apabila tiga dari Ahli Dewan Undangan mereka bertindak keluar dari parti.

Setelah kejayaan ini kita perolehi rakyat merasakan amat bersyukur kerana Datuk Seri telah dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar dan mereka berharap agar ada sinar baru dalam kepimpinan Datuk Seri setelah menghukum kepimpinan yang lama. Dalam mengusahakan pembangunan bagi negeri Perak , datuk seri telah menghadapi banyak dugaan dari dalam dan luar UMNO yang memaksa Datuk Seri untuk bertindak secara yang bijak kerana dengan kedudukan sokongan hanya kelebihan tiga kerusi belum memastikan datuk seri akan terus memimpin negeri Perak pada pilihan raya yang akan datang.

Datuk Seri perlu menjaga banyak hati dan perlu bijak menyusun jentera jentera di semua sudut untuk memastikan rakyat di negeri Perak tidak akan menghukum kepimpinan Datuk Seri pula. Walau tidak pernah mengenali Datuk Seri , saya sebagai rakyat biasa sungguh kagum dan menghormati kepimpinan datuk seri sebelum ini , seawal enam bulan yang pertama. Namun setelah saya menjadi kecewa. Bukan sahaja saya ,malahan ramai rakyat biasa yang mengikuti laman web dan blog kini tidak lagi dapat mengikis Imej datuk Seri keluar dari Imej Parpukari yang mana terlalu ramai rakyat yang sudah mual dan bosan dengan keangkuhan , keegoan dan sikap kurang ajar dan biadab serta nukilan lucah yang dipamerkan dalam blog beliau.

Malahan baru baru ini sebagai ahli UMNO dan juga rakyat negeri Perak , kami tidak lagi seghairah dahulu untuk mendengar keputusan mahkamah yang akan mengumumkan siapakah Menteri Besar Perak. Kami amat sedih kerana kami tidak lagi merasa ghairah. Kami tidak mahu Nizar menjadi Menteri Besar , tetapi kami sudah tidak hairan jika Datuk Seri juga tidak dinobatkan sebagai Menteri Besar. Buruk sekali pasagan ini dan jika ini terus berlanjutan saya tidak merasa hairan jika Perak akan hilang kerusi lebihan malahan akan bertambah teruk kehilangan kerusi berkenaan. Ini semua kerana ramai yang telah mulai bosan dengan sikap Parpukari yang Datuk seri bela itu dan mereka kini sudah sinonim dan secara automatik apabila menyebut nama Datuk seri mereka akan terbayang Parpukari

Datuk seri , ini adalah sesuatu yang amat serius yang perlu Datuk Seri berikan perhatian sebelum nasi menjadi bubur. Ramai bloggers perak kini menentang Parpukari dan eloklah Datuk Seri membuat perjumpaan dengan mereka ini dan memujuk mereka kembali. Parpukari tidak lah sehebat mana . Datuk Seri perlu menjaga hati rakyat dan memenangi hati mereka dari hanya menjaga satu hati . Sekian terima kasih agar mendapat pertimbangan dari Datuk Seri.

Oleh : Politik Melayu

Rasa ketidakpuashati blogger Perak terhadap Parpu Kari sila baca : SURAT TERBUKA BLOGGERS BUAT MB PERAK


Lim Guan Eng Bakal Perdana Menteri???

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oleh : Jebat


Bekas banduan yang juga kaki fitnah yang banyak masalah mahu diangkat untuk jadikan seorang Perdana Menteri. Harakah Daily:klik sini . Apa punya bodoh dan dangkal orang PAS ni.

Kebangkitan rakyat Pulau Pinang menyatakan bantahan secara terbuka terhadap kepimpinan Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng, adalah bukti jelas mereka tidak berpuas hati dengan cara pentadbiran dan pendirian beliau.

Sudah tiba masanya untuk rakyat Pulau Pinang menentukan kedudukan Guan Eng pada pilihan raya umum akan datang. Ramai wakil rakyat PKR dan Ketua Bahagian PKR di Pulau Pinang kecewa dengan pentadbiran Guan Eng.

Menurut notis diatas, empat laporan ialah mengenai dakwaan menyertai perhimpunan haram, satu lagi berkaitan Akta Hasutan 1948 dan tiga laporan mengenai dakwaan jenayah fitnah. Kesemuanya enam laporan polis dibuat terhadap Lim Guan Eng! Siasatan tersebut dijalankan berdasarkan laporan yang dibuat Sungai Nibong, Kg Baru, Kubang Semang, Seberang Jaya, Sungai Pinang dan Kepala Batas.

Kerajaan negeri pimpinan DAP dikritik hebat sejak kebelakangan ini dengan Anggota Parlimen Bayan Baru, Datuk Zaharin Mohamed Hashim daripada PKR, melabelkan Lim sebagai diktator, cauvinis dan berfikiran komunis.

Selain itu, Anggota Parlimen Nibong Tebal, Tan Tee Beng, juga daripada PKR turut mengkritik Ketua Menteri dengan mendakwa pentadbiran kerajaan negeri meminggirkan Anggota Parlimen PKR serta tidak boleh dikritik.

Malahan Jumaat lepas, kira-kira 3,000 anggota daripada 50 pertubuhan bukan kerajaan mengadakan demonstrasi bagi menunjukkan bantahan terhadap pentadbiran kerajaan negeri yang didakwa meminggirkan orang Melayu.

Selepas Anwar Ibrahim tidak boleh menerajui Pakatan Rakyat, layakkah Lim Guan Eng diangkat menjadi Perdana Menteri..... LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI!

Sumber : http://jebat2010.blogspot.com/


Khairy Jamaluddin answers to the six questions on democracy.

By Deborah Loh

1.Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?

Let me first say that we should move away from viewing the ISA question in terms of binary opposites. Rather, we need to elevate the debate to find a middle ground, which encompasses legitimate concerns for national security without compromising on civil and political rights.

As such, I would support the review of the Internal Security Actor even its abolishment if it is replaced by another Act which allows for preventive detention under strict guidelines. I trust the people accept that the demands of national security require for some allowance on the government's part to detain would-be terrorists. But most importantly, these powers should never be used to stifle legitimate political dissent.

Thus, I would urge a relook at the extensive powers granted to the home minister under Section 8 of the Act. Here, I believe judicial review should be reintroduced. I also feel that those detained under the ISA should have guaranteed access to legal counsel.

2.Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?

If we're speaking in purist, theoretical terms, then my answer would be neither. Malaysia is neither an Islamic state as understood in a sense that we are a theocracy, nor are we a secular country where there is a clear demarcation between religion and state.

We have both Islamic and secular elements within state institutions. For instance, we practise parallel judicial systems. For non-Muslims, syariah laws generally have little impact on their actions, and they can live by, if you like, "secular" or civil laws. But the same cannot be said for Muslims.

Notwithstanding the above, our constitution spells out that Islam is the official religion of the state, and state funds are channelled towards the religion's development in the country; for example, in the construction of mosques. Now, clearly this would not happen if there was complete separation between state and religion.

I don't believe non-Muslims have a quarrel with this fact. Rather, it is Malaysia's perceived Islamisation that has reignited the debate about whether our country is Islamic or secular.

I think the more important test in facing all the tough issues relating to this debate is whether common sense prevails. Important as they are, the constitutional or legal questions pertaining to the caning of women for consuming alcohol, or the rights to the body of a deceased family member must not supersede the questions of humanity, empathy, compassion and common sense.

3.How do you define your role as an elected MP? Does Parliament provide you with the necessary infrastructure and support to fulfil your role?

As a young Barisan Nasional (BN) MP, I see my role as necessarily multi-pronged. Chief of my concerns is, of course, my primary constituents: the people of Rembau. As their elected representative, it is my duty to serve as a community champion on issues that matter to my constituents — welfare, education and housing, for example.

But beyond catering to my voters' needs, my role also encompasses the broader representative function of legislating national issues. To be an effective legislator in this right, it is incumbent upon me to be properly informed on the issues, motions and bills that are presented before the House before participating in parliamentary debates.

As one of the few MPs for BN under the age of 40, and as chair[person] of BN Youth, I feel that as an elected MP, I have a special role in representing the voice and aspirations of young voters, whether in Parliament or outside it.

As for infrastructure, I would like to see a few changes. I would start with a good resource centre that supplies a recent and comprehensive collection of magazines, journals and books, not to mention access to established online research portals. Presently, the majority of the research material is dated, and access to paid online resources is severely limited.

In addition, I would also like more financial and administrative support for bipartisan caucuses set up by MPs.

4.Would you support a Freedom of Information Act? Why or why not?

Yes, I would, because it would assist in the democratisation of Malaysia. Specifically, it would increase government transparency and accountability as well as reduce corruption across the board.

But similar to the ISA debate, we need to accommodate legitimate concerns that will not allow for complete public access to information. On the individual level, surely we would not want private information, including those pertaining to legal privilege of citizens, to be considered public. And in the interests of the country at large, information that can justifiably be seen to jeopardise national security or criminal investigations should also be kept guarded. Again, common sense must triumph.

5.If there was one thing you could do to strengthen parliamentary democracy in Malaysia, what would it be?

The driving force behind any democracy is the people. I believe it to be paramount that we always look for ways to ensure continuing utility and relevance of our parliamentary institutions to the people. Parliament should reflect, as well as possible, the public's aspirations, which are more often than not nonpartisan.

In doing so, I would like to suggest the setting up of a parliamentary caucus made up of young MPs from both sides of the divide. The caucus will engage the young generation through varying means to better understand their wishes for, and even critique of, our parliamentary democracy.

6.Do you believe in separation of powers between the government, Parliament and judiciary? Why or why not?

Yes. Any democrat would appreciate the intrinsic and instrumental values of the separation of powers. But seeing how ours is a parliamentary democracy, it is by nature not possible to have complete separation of powers between government and Parliament. The party with the largest presence in Parliament is always the party of government, which is not the case in presidential or semi-presidential democracies like the US or France.

But it is the underlying principle of the separation of powers that I support. The three branches have their respective roles. While the executive and legislative branches may be intermingled, the latter should not be seen as merely furthering the former's political agenda.

The demand for an independent judiciary is a much more clear-cut case. Here, the judicial system must not only be fair and independent, but must also be seen to be so.


Lim Guan Eng Bacul

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bukti LGE hantar pencacai debat... sebaliknya beliau menikus, bacul tak berani berdebat dengan Pemuda Umno Pulau Pinang!

Oleh : Jebat

Syabas kepada Pemuda Penang kerana menolak jemputan debat tersebut, Kalau nak debat dengan budak suruhan saja nak buat apa? Setakat hantar balaci baik tak payah, tetapi jika Lim Guan Eng (LGE) berdebat dengan Pemuda Umno baru betul. Disahkan yang menghantar surat tersebut bukannya orang penang tetapi orang serawak! Lagi mau debat ka?

Sehinggakan sambutan Maulidur Rasul pun boleh di batalkan. Sedarlah saudara Islam , jangan biarkan LGE memperbudak-budakkan anda.

Kalau LGE berani sahutlah cabaran Pemuda Umno, kalau dia kalah bubarkan Dun di Pulau Pinang! Ada berani ka? Banyak isu-isu yang LGE belum jawab dan tunaikan manifesto pilihanraya walaupun hampir dua tahum memerentah pulau pinang.

Bekas Banduan memang tak layak jadi pemimpin!

Yang ini pula cerita seorang pengecut yang menuduh orang lain pengecut. Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh si ketua pengecut ini cukup mengelikan hati, kata blogger pisau hahaha.

Tahukah anda si gemuk pendek ini cukup penakut, jika ada tunjuk perasaan dialah yang berdiri paling belakang,jika dikejar FRU beliau lah yang paling dulu melarikan diri,nak dikatakan terkena air gatal bau gas pemedih mata pun tidak pernah.

Peristiwa di Melaka masih kuat menjadi ingatan dikalangan blogger apabila sipendek ini ketakutan apabila dikepung Pemuda Umno hingga terkencing didalam seluar,peristiwa itulah menjadi titik tolak pemakaian lampin dewasa jika beliau keluar kemana mana.


Hapuskan perbalahan dalaman.. Gempar Parpu Kari nak keluar Umno?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin

Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin meminta pemimpin dan ahli UMNO di semua peringkat menghapuskan segala bentuk persengketaan dan perbalahan dalaman yang dilihat menjadi punca kelemahan parti.

Beliau yang juga Timbalan Presiden parti menegaskan, masalah itu tidak boleh dipandang remeh kerana kajian menunjukkan ia menjadi punca utama kegagalan calon UMNO dan Barisan Nasional (BN) mempertahankan kerusi pada pilihan raya lalu.

Sehubungan itu beliau mengingatkan kedudukan UMNO dan BN adalah kritikal jika masalah dalaman seumpama itu tidak diselesaikan segera.

''Kegagalan itu berdasarkan kajian yang dibuat selepas pilihan raya umum lalu bagi mencari punca sebenar kenapa UMNO dan BN gagal mempertahankan kemenangan (majoriti) dua pertiga dalam pilihan raya umum lalu itu.Baca seterusnya

Bercakap kepada wartawan, Tan Sri Muhyiddin menyarankan agar ahli UMNO menyelesaikan segala masalah dalaman segera agar lebih bersedia untuk menghadapi PRU13. UMNO akan berusaha untuk memahami aspirasi golongan muda dalam usaha menarik mereka menyokong BN dalam pilihan raya akan datang.... Berbeza pula dengan sikap Mawas di bawah ini....

Hebat! kerana cubaan untuk memecah belahkan perpaduan dalam Umno! Yang paling hebat sekali Parpukari tidak sedarkan diri dan berani mengugut TPM dan PM bahawa beliau tidak akan menyokong Perdana Menteri lagi jika melantik KJ sebagai menteri.

Dilaporkan dari laman blog house PK, Parpu Kari akan mengamuk dan bakal keluar dari UMNO... adakah berita ini sahih.

Petikan dari laman blog ParpuKari
Ayat Parpu Kari sama macam ayat Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim

Memang ada link dengan CIFUT ni kot?..

Beliau mahu menjadi bloggers hebat sebaris dengan bloggers yang ada nama, tetapi tulisan beliau dalam blog tidaklah menyerlah kerana apa yang boleh kita baca dalam blog beliau ada juga dalam blog orang lain. Bezanya beliau akan menambah sedikit fitnah dan carut. Malangnya tulisan beliau yang langsung tidak ada research melainkan mencedok nak menokok tambah tanpa berfikir.

Masyuk nampak!!! Pakai blackberry brader! Sebulan berapa masyuk? Gua dengar.. SAMA RATA, SAMA RASA DEPAN BELAKANG SAMA SAJA!... SEMUA LU SAPU... betul ka?

Beliau yang di bayar oleh orang orang yang tertentu akan menghentam membabi buta dan adakala hentaman beliau terkena dirinya kembali. Beliau bagaikan orang yang tidak bermaruah menghentam Pergerakan Pemuda kerana dibayar oleh politikus tertentu yang menyara kehidupan keluarga beliau.

Yang menarik, beliau bernafsu besar mahu berperang dengan orang yang lebih jauh kelas dari beliau sendiri, adakala saya sendiri merasa malu melihat telatah bloggers ini.

Amatlah sesuailah pandangan Tan Sri Muhyiddin yang meminta pemimpin dan ahli UMNO di semua peringkat menghapuskan segala bentuk persengketaan dan perbalahan dalaman yang dilihat menjadi punca kelemahan parti. Umno tidak lemah, cuma sikap buruk dalam kalangan bloggers Umno dan ahli Umno sahaja yang menyebabkan Umno kelihatan lemah tidak bermaya.

Anda juga perlu membaca artikel artikel panas di bawah ni:

Sumber : http://jebat2010.blogspot.com/

Nota : Nampak ketara sekali Parpukari tertekan dan gelabah apabila dihentam kiri kanan oleh bloggers yang bencikan perpecahan di kalangan bloggers UMNO

Ramai yang bosan dengan parpukari yang perasan bahawa blognya juga boleh memaksa Perdana Menteri untuk mengikut telunjuknya. Kalau Parpu Kari kata dia mahu ajar PM berpolitik, silap la..


Blogger Jebat mahu KDN mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap Parpu Kari

Monday, February 22, 2010

Oleh : Jebat

Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) dan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) perlu mengambil tindakkan tegas terhadap penulis laman blog Parpukari @ Salim Iskandar pemilik blog http://parpukari.blogspot.com/atau lebih dikenali sebagai House Of PK.

Pada hari Isnin - 22 Fab 2010, Penulis laman blog yang tidak bertanggungjawab tersebut telah mengeluarkan artikel bertajuk BUKTI KJ ADA LINK DENGAN CIFUT BABI!? , artikel tersebut berbentuk hasutan dan fitnah yang bertujuan mahu menjatuhkan nama baik Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia. Kononnya beliau mempunyai bukti menunjukan YB Khairy Jamaluddin mempunyai 'link' dengan Ketua Pembangkang DS Anwar Ibrahim.

Setelah membaca artikel yang dipaparkan dilaman blognya jelas ternyata penulis blog tersebut hanya menyebarkan fitnah dengan membuat andainya sendiri. Penulis laman blog tersebut gagal mengemukakan bukti yang kukuh untuk membuktikan YB Khairy Jamaluddin mempunyai hubungan "sulit" dengan DS Anwar Ibrahim.

Menyifatkan kes seperti blogger Parpu Kari yang menghina Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Yb Khairy Jamaluddin adalah satu perkara yang amat terkutuk dan tidak akan membawa kepada pengukuhan parti malahan hasil karya penulisan beliau langsung tidak mempunyai bahan bukti yang kukuh selain dari menyebarkan fitnah.

Kenyataan sebelum ini yang dikeluarkan oleh KDN Klik pada tajuk >> KDN Pantau Beberapa Blog, Laman Web


Creating the path of change

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Khairy Jamaluddin won the post of Umno Youth chief after a tough fight. Now that the buck stops with him, he has learnt that politics really is the art of the possible, he says.

IT has been about a year since Khairy Jamaluddin won the Umno Youth chief beating Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir and Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo to get the post. In an interview with Sunday Star, Khairy says closing ranks among the factions is a work still in progress. He hopes to take the Umno Youth to a more progressive direction - one that is more inclusive and middle ground. He also gives Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak top marks for his performance as Prime Minister.

Q: It has almost been a year since you have become Umno Youth chief. How has that experience been?

A: It’s been different. Obviously when you step up to the actual play, it is different from being a deputy because now the buck stops with you. So you are accountable for everything that happens (in the wing).

When I was deputy, I still had (the then Youth chief Datuk) Hisham (Hussein)around. So obviously now the responsibilities are greater and the expectations are bigger as well.

Q: Over the past year in office, what have you learnt about yourself and about Umno?

A: It’s an old saying and a cliche but I’ve learnt more than previously that politics is really is the art of the possible - about what you can do - but at the same time not losing sight of wanting to make the changes that you believe in. So it’s tough balance between pursuing the changes and making those changes possible. I don’t think you want to be somebody who has a vision and yet it comes unstuck when you are trying to try to do it because you can’t get a coalition or you can’t make it possible.

Q: And have you been able to do the possible in Umno Youth?

A: I want to look at my mandate as three years. What even the PM is doing is something that requires time. It is ironic that what we want to do requires time but we don’t have time because the elections are just three years or two years away. So we have to accelerate it. This is going to require a lot of political risk-taking but I think we should do it.

I am willing to do it. At least I hope for myself and for Umno Youth that we succeed part of the way.

Q: Interesting choice of words - political risk-taking. Have you done any of this political risk-taking since taking office?

A: I think so. I think it would be not unfair to say that my leadership of Umno Youth has not really been traditional of Umno Youth positioning. It’s very difficult to lead Umno Youth into a new outlook - in how we have responded to certain events, in wanting to appeal to a wider group of people and not just the Malays but also non-Malays. The speech I made at the general assembly was very untypical of an Umno Youth leader and how we reacted to many recent issues for instance involving religion amongst other things. It comes with a high political price and it’s something that I have to deal with.

Q: By reaching out to non-Malays and helping the (Malaysian) Indians get birth certs and MyKad and asking Malays to discard their seige mentality, won’t this make you lose Malay support?

A: To whom? I am representing the party. PM wants to make Umno a centrist party and we have to appeal to a wider group of people. As a progressive party - Umno and BN - we move to the centre. Who do we lose support to on the Malay side? We lose support to PKR and PAS? They have taken very liberal views on certain things to try and appeal to the non-Malays as well. I don’t really see who we are losing support to.

Q: But Umno is after all a Malay party?

A: But we are also the main component party of BN and we cannot win votes by appealing to Malay voters alone. And by the way it’s not just about about winning votes alone. Sometimes people say ‘you have to do this because you want to win votes so you have to appeal to non-Malays’ - but I think it’s also the right thing to do - to appeal to Malaysians as a whole. I think that is the way forward for us. It’s going to be tough because as you said the political DNA of Umno especially the Umno Youth is very Malay base. We are not abandoning that. It’s just that we have to be more inclusive and accept that this is not just the thing we need to win elections but also the right way forward.

Q: But wouldn’t you say that your call at the Umno Youth assembly for the Malays to discard the seige mentality was met with lukewarm response from the Umno Youth?

A: Well, it’s not going to be something that is immediately accepted. Sometimes the call to change takes time. Hypothetically, you can have somebody who has governed the party for 20 years asking the Malays to change and admitting at the end of it that he has failed. So what more somebody who has just done it for the first time so it’s not easy. The point I am trying to make and that is important especially for us to support the PM is that at least the leaders are going out there and trying to do it.

As long as they remember the leaders are trying to make this change and making it possible - the art of possible change, I think that is something to support. That’s why I am doing it. Sometimes I get criticism. I see pro Umno commentaries online and even some Umno Youth members are not happy with the progressive stand and things like that. I say ‘Look, this is about bringing the kind of change that the Prime Minister wants.” I am not talking about Umno Youth being emaciated in the sense that we don’t have a voice of our own and we just parroting the PM. No. But I am saying that this is the time we have to lead that change for the Prime Minister and become more progressive than anyone else and not become more radical than anyone else. This is the change I want to bring in Umno Youth. Coming back to the question of the first 11 months, a lot of it has been spent on this ideological shift which has taken a lot in terms of positioning, in terms of what we do, in trying to bring about that change and dealing with it in the political party context where there is on going rivalries and things like that. It’s a lot of work really.

Q: How have the efforts to close ranks among the (Khairy, Mukhriz & Khir Toyo) factions been in Umno Youth?

A: Like I said this ideological shift which is a bigger agenda takes place within the context of party politics which is trying to close ranks and all that.

I do open myself up to this political risk-taking because people who may not have supported me may use the progressive approach to politics that I’ve introduced as something that they can attack me with ideologically, whereas the motivation is probably pure politics.

So juggling the two is something that requires a lot of patience and a lot of wisdom - which I don’t have much of (laughs) - and I am trying to catch up.

I try to run an open Youth movement in the sense that I don’t stop them from saying anything in the right forum. During meetings, they are free to express anything they want. Sometimes we have heated views but no matter what speculation there is out there, I still think things are under control and we are moving towards the same direction. But it’s a work in progress. The Umno Youth elections were very keenly fought so the wounds are still there. I am not denying that but it’s a work in progress. We have to work on it together and keep working at it. You cannot just have one meeting among the various factions and hope everything is settled. You have to keep working at this and giving positive vibes and building confidence. That is important.

Q: But time is of the essence?

A: Yes, time is of the essence which is why this year a lot of our big programmes are going to be rolled out. I met PM (on Wed) and briefed him on our plans on having a rally on 1Malaysia, having a tour around the country bringing 1Malaysia down to the ground. So a lot of these things are taking place. Also, don’t underestimate the shift in perception that can come about just by changing the position Umno Youth adopts on issues. We’ve gone from being a “radical, right wing movement” to a very centrist movement and everyone says that I have emerged as a progressive voice in Umno Youth. I think that helps the party and we’ll continue more of that. And at a time when our friends - the components parties in Barisan Nasional - are having their own problems, I think it is important for us to go and appeal directly to the non-Malay communities.

Q: But does your exco accept your progressive stance?

A: As (Umno exco member Datuk) Zaki (Zahid) said and I said again I am not running a PTA. I am running a political organisation. Unless you are an iron fisted dictator who tolerates no dissent, these dynamics are going to be there. That’s the art of politics. It’s about trying to convince, persuade, build a coalition. That’s a much more fulfilling and rewarding process than just going in and saying ‘you do this’ and ‘you do that’ and ultimately get rejected. This is good because we have strong and healthy debates about issues. I am tested. They (my exco) ask why do you want to take this position and I have to explain to them. And we’ll see how it goes.

Q: There has been criticism that the Umno Youth secretariat and your boys are sidelining and blocking those from the other (Mukhriz and Khir Toyo) factions? And that if you remove your info chief and secretary half of the problems will be solved?

A: No that’s not true. First of all, the (Umno Youth) secretary (Datuk Megat Firdouz Megat Junid ) supported Khir Toyo during the election. I appointed him although he supported another candidate.

Look, in political parties when there are these dynamics going on, people want to focus the problem somewhere. If not a direct attack, then it’s at the secretariat or people around. As I said it is a work in progress. When you take over an organisation of 700,000 members, there are going to be shortcomings and weaknesses on the administrative side of it. It is something I have taken cognisance of and we are working at it.

There is no deliberate sidelining of anybody. If that is the perception, I’ve always told them that they are most welcome to come and see me and we’ll talk about it.

Q: There has also been grievances over the appointment of some of the Youth state chiefs and deputies and some have asked if you would consider a reshuffle?

A: Again, it’s a manifestation of people who are unhappy where they would target their grievances against state appointments.

Obviously, I have appointed people whom I can work with and I think can deliver but at the same time I told them they must adhere to performance standards. If they can’t perform - since these are not an elected but appointed posts - I am free to change the state line up when I think it is necessary to do so. I do embrace both views. I have picked those who can deliver for me but if they can’t deliver, they’d have to go.

Q: Umno Youth has always been at the forefront during by-elections but the state machinery has asked you to keep a low profile as they feel you are counter-productive and would affect Barisan’s chances of winning?

A: I think that (report) was inaccurate. I have only heard this once and it didn’t come from Umno. It came from some government agency during one by-election which Umno decided wasn’t an accurate report. I’ve campaigned at every single by-election. I’ve spoken at ceramahs with hundreds and thousands of people - at a by-election that we won - Bagan Pinang - and a by-election that we almost won - in Kuala Krai. I have no problems when I go down (for by-elections). This comes from a certain source within the party and in the government which obviously have something personal against me.

Q: Do you mean there has not been advice for you to keep a low profile during by-elections?

A: No. Otherwise why would I be down there leading (the Youth) so to speak.

Q: But you weren’t in-your-face or that kind of thing during the by-elections as you were previously?

A: I’m Umno Youth chief now so got maturity a bit lah. I am still there doing house to house campaigns, doing ceramahs at night. I also don’t get much play in the press anymore maybe that’s why.

Q: Some say your image is still a problem as you climbed up the political ranks so fast when your father-in-law (Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) was PM and you were found guilty of money politics in Umno and yet allowed to contest and won?

A: First of all, other people have gone up quicker in Umno. I don’t want to name names but many people have gone up much quicker in Umno than I have.

If it is a factor of Pak Lah, maybe you could have said that when I was deputy. But I won in very difficult circumstances when he was going out. It was certainly not an advantage anymore. Had I landed this position without contest, then I can accept that argument. But I won a contest in a very hard fought party elections and I have still survived till today - which I know upsets some people. But here I am for now - don’t know for how long.

As far as the (Umno) disciplinary commmitee is concerned, there are options in the party’s guidelines where you suspend somebody, give them a warning or they are let off. This whole business of warning but can contest is in the guidelines. It’s not something they made up especially for me.

The provision exists. There were many other people in previous Umno polls - about 40 other people - who were given warnings and not suspended. But of course it’s a big deal because it’s me. I defended myself for one-and-a-half hours before the (Umno) tribunal. I still maintain my innocence till today but I accept that is the decision meted out by the disciplinary board.

Q: But your image has suffered hasn’t it from the money politics thingy? How are you handling the rebuilding of your image?

A: Well, you have to move forward and look ahead to other things. People go through very difficult decisions that go against them, in politics especially.

As I said, I maintain my innocence but that (finding me guilty) is the decision of the disciplinary board and I have to move on with politics. There have been many people who have been found guilty internally and yet they carry on and are given second chances or they are allowed to continue with their government positions. And I think it is important to note that the burden of proof in party cases is different (from the courts). It is not beyond reasonable doubt. It is on the balance of probability. There is no law of evidence involved (in the party process). It is not a court of law. It is a political process. People have to remember that.

Q: People have looked at the fact that you were not given a government post while your Youth deputy Datuk Razali Ibrahim and (your challenger) Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir were made deputy ministers as signals from the PM. I know you said you don’t mind and your role is to strengthen the youth wing but honestly doesn’t it hurt?

A: Not really. It doesn’t bother me. I respect that it is the prerogative of the Prime Minister and he should be free to choose his Cabinet ministers and deputy ministers. All of us have a role to play. I have my role to play. I like to think that I have a role to play in the party and I hope to work hard in what I have been given. To me really it’s not a big deal.

Q: So you don’t see it as a sort of a vote of no confidence from the PM or a sign of his lack of trust of your integrity by not giving you a post and giving the other two posts?

A: First of all, I don’t like the comparison because I think everybody has a role to play. I don’t begrudge anybody of their cabinet appointments whether it is my deputy. I am happy that he is in government or even Mukhriz. I think for the Prime Minister, he feels that they have a role to play in government and that’s good. I don’t begrudge them at all. I don’t feel the comparison question is something that is to me relevant. Secondly, I have to work hard if it is so that the Prime Minister wants to consider me in the future, I have to prove that I am deserving of that trust.

Q: How’s your relationship with Mukhriz?

A: Okay, I saw him recently in his constituency. I invited him for a function. I chose to have a function there so we went together to repair some houses so it’s okay.

Q: And with Dr Khir Toyo?

A: Ok.

Q: So it’s okay with the two of them but not chummy chummy?

A: Well, I don’t hang out with them but I don’t hang out with a lot of people either. It’s not like I ignore them or I avoid them or bad mouth them. It’s cordial lah. We are all in the same party. If I see them I chat with them. People might think Mukhriz and I don’t talk to each other or avoid each other but when I see him we say hi or chat. It’s no big deal.

Q: How do you respond to some who say you are not the legitimate Umno Youth chief because the total votes for the other two contenders (Mukhriz and Khir Toyo) combined is more than what you got to win the post?

A: Then nobody can win! The one who get the most votes is the one who wins. Don’t be so immature lah. (The Puteri chief Datuk) Rosnah (Shirlin) won by 8 votes and no one is saying that about her. All I am saying is that it is the one who gets the most votes. Obviously when you win with a minority situation, you have challenges. But it doesn’t mean you are not legit. That’s ridiculous(laughs). (In that case) I might as well not assume the post “oh I didn’t get the majority and leave it empty. That’s crazy.”

Q: At the Jan 28 Umno Youth exco meeting, what did (exco member) Hishamuddin Yahya (who purportedly called for Khairy to step down) actually say at the meeting?

A: For the record, what he said was that we have to come together. We have to move to be more effective. And if we can’t be more effective then we should let other people do it. If the chief can’t be effective, he should resign and if the exco can’t be effective, we should all resign. It’s a pretty general statement. But of course if you want to just take the isolated sentence - for political purposes - then you are free to do so. I am not saying there are no issues within Umno Youth. As I said before, it is a political movement with its own dynamics and it requires its own political skills. That is what politics is all about. But did he ask me point blank to resign? No.

Q: Why did it take so long for the Umno Youth exco to pay the courtesy call on PM?

A: We didn’t do it because a month after we were elected, he came up for our retreat in Janda Baik so we saw him. So I thought we had already seen him and spent some time with him so why would you want to go and bother him with another courtesy call. He’s a busy man. He had just assumed the highest office in the country. We just saw him. After that there were by-elections, the Umno general assembly so I wanted to do it at the end of the year or the beginning of the year. That’s all. Also PM is travelling. He is a busy guy. We finally got the date (Feb 17). I don’t think Wanita or Puteri have called on him (yet) so I don’t think it’s a big deal.

Q: What do you think is one very important quality in a Youth chief?

A: Relevance to young people. If you don’t get young people you are not a Youth chief. I am not saying I get them young people but I am trying to get them. I spend a lot of time on the social media. I try to understand how they think and I try to understand what’s important to them. I think that more than anything else is what’s crucial because if you look at youth movements in Malaysia it has always suffered from a lack of relevance. It is run by people who are not young or not peer. Even if it is run by somebody who is older as long they get it and are with it, it’s not a problem. But if you ask average Malaysians what do they think of Youth clubs and organisations here they say they are out of touch. So I think relevance is the key here.

Q: What do you say to those who think you are still wet behind the ears to lead Umno Youth especially at such a crucial time for Barisan?

A: I don’t know how to dry my ears because I have been in politics for 10 years already. If after 10 years, I am still wet behind the ears, there must be something wrong (laughs). I think I have learnt quite a bit. I wouldn’t say I am an experienced politician - not by the stretch of the imagination - but I wouldn’t exactly say I am new to this. I do know a little about the tricks of the trade already. And secondly - I hate to do self evaluation because by nature I don’t like to do that - but I don’t think I have made any major misstep since I have been BN Youth chief. If you flip the question around and ask have there been any achievements, I think there have - in terms of broadening the appeal. That’s what I came in promising to do, not withstanding there are still some issues, I think the appeal has been broadened. I have tried to make it relevant. I have done a short film - things which are out of the box - to show that not just me the person but the institution I represent - we are capable of changing and becoming more relevant to young people.

Q: What has been the feedback on that clip of you playing taxi driver?

A: This is the first time I opened YouTube and saw unending positive comments (about me) (laughs). It was good, It was spontaneous and unscripted. I think that and my engagement on social media - once facebook and now facebook is out of control - on twitter - that shapes a lot of new opinion not just for me but for BN in general. At least young people out there who are party less, with no affliations, at least they know that at least there are some people out there in BN who do stuff they can relate to.

Q: How do you see the political landscape with regards to the next general election?

A: I think Malaysian politics has become relatively volatile and I think it might continue with the dynamics. Not volatility because volatility is always a bad word but rather the dynamic process back and forth. I think the dynamism is good because it shows a healthy democracy working. And I think prevailing and winning in this environment is much more impressive than in a different environment. We have made a lot of gains over the past year but I think we are not out of the woods yet. We can’t rely on the opposition’s weakness to say that things (for BN) have improved. Your enemy’s weakness is not your strength. Your strength is something that comes from yourself. So the process of change and reform that PM has tried to bring is something that must continue.

Q: How would you rank Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s performance as PM?

A: I think he’s done a very good job within the present environment which is hostile. We had an economic crisis last year and to navigate the party and government during this time has been difficult. He has done a very good job at doing that.

Q: What grade would you give him?

A: An ‘A’ of course.

Q: Wow. Really?

A: I can back that. I am not just saying that because I am brown nosing him. Like I said, he has come in at a time of global economic crisis and at a time when he has to make decisions and tough calls like subsidies and GSTs and things like that and a time when public confidence is at a low for the government and when the BN component parties are having problems. It is not easy to triangulate all these problems and he has done it well. By triangulate, I mean the government, party and people and I think he has done a good job by reaching out and rolling up his sleeves. So far so good.

Q: An “A” for Najib, so how would you rate Pak Lah as PM?

A: That’s an unfair question so I am not going to answer that (laughs). I have an objective answer as well but people will say he’s the son-in-law. It’s easier for me to rate somebody whom I am not related to.

Q: Since Umno Youth is now moving into broader issues, what does Umno Youth think of the caning of the three women for illicit sex?

A: I have not discussed this with my exco and they want me to discuss heavy issues with them nowadays. I read a report that the men were caned as well. My personal view is that I am a little bit disturbed actually. The question needs to be asked why is this being done now after so many years. I know the answer is to reform, teach and educate them but I do think there are other ways of approaching this.

Even if you want to force the law, there must be other ways of “punishing” them because let’s face it this isn’t going to sit easy with a lot of people here and abroad as well. And I don’t want to give the impression that we have not thought this through. It has been a surprise. I am surprised and I do hope we can look into other forms of punishment before you go and cane someone. Although the provision is there and people would say I am questioning Islamic law and all that, I am questioning the punishment and why now. Are you telling me this is the first time people have had illicit sex in this country? I am quite sure that ‘no’.

Q: What worries you about the country?

A: We still seem to go in very different directions as far as Malaysians are concerned. In any country you have a myriad of views but the problem is that things are so polarised here not just ethnically- although this is true - but politically as well. There’s no middle ground. Everyone has so strong feelings one way or another. Say on the Anwar (Ibrahim) case, everyone has strong feelings about that. Any issue is always politicised. If someone from BN says it, it’s never going to be acceptable on the other side. And if someone from the other side says it it’s never going to be acceptable to BN. That’s worrying because when you can’t have bi-partisan solutions to certain things and everything including the torching of the church is politicised. (PKR’s) Azmin (Ali) said Umno did this (torching of the church) and all that. This is a time of serious national crisis and you want to politicise something like that?

That is why I reached over to the other side and said let’s have a joint statement by BN and Pakatan Youth. It’s important. At least the young people show we can rise above it. Even if it’s a small gesture and just a statement, at least to me it meant a lot because it meant we were able to put aside our differences. But it worries me that we cannot fashion a national consensus. I am not saying everyone has to agree but there must be a middle ground on many of these issues. Take for example the Allah issue or the caning issue, there are a lot of issues that are going to push Malaysians apart. Then you have guys like (Pasir Mas MP Datuk) Ibrahim Ali taking the far right view - of course it resonates with a few people. But all I am saying is that when you have radical extremes at the edges and you don’t have a radical centre, then society gets torn apart. The problem is we don’t have a strong centre. That’s where the PM is going. I saw him (PM) privately two weeks ago and I told him “Sir, I am there because naturally I feel an affinity to what you are doing personally. That’s where I want to take Umno Youth.” My greatest concern is that we cannot strengthen the centre. And when the centre cannot hold, it just falls apart.

Q: That’s a scary scenario.

A: But it’s true. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying it can happen but I am saying that is the concern. Malaysians, by default, when push comes to shove, we rise above it anyway. The whole church arson and mosque desecration hasn’t led to riots, hasn’t led to May 13 or anything like that because Malaysians generally can rise above it. But the rising above it is more by default than anything else like ‘let’s just chill out’. It’s not really saying ‘let’s rise above it for Malaysia’ but rather ‘we better not get ourselves into trouble’. That’s different. We need more of the positive vibe of trying to create a centre middle ground.

Q: On the church issue, you did criticise Umno saying that the party was becoming more hardline?

A: That’s why I always stress on the centrist agenda which the Prime Minister is pursuing. We must resist this temptation, this pressure to only appeal to very parochial politics and we must continue to fight for the new politics. Remember Umno may be Malay in membership but it’s the leading component of BN. To some extent, what is happening right now is an internal realignment for the soul for our party and whether or not what emerges is this inclusive, progressive party that can appeal to Malays as well as to non-Malays or whether we retract and appeal to just our base which is very ethnocentric and very conservative. I belong ,of course, to the former. That’s where the PM is taking us. That’s why it is important for us to stake our claim and say “I am there” with whatever risks that come with it.

Q: Some say that you are a chameleon and that you change colours and what you say according to the audience?

A: After the elections people were saying that. I was at a student conference in Aug last year and somebody asked me that question from the floor. And I think I was with Tian Chua (at that time). They asked who is the real Khairy and will the real Khairy to stand up - that kind of stuff. I said that’s a fair question because some people have asked that. I can always give you the normal answer saying that politicians don’t necessarily say different things but it is how it gets reported and all that but I didn’t say that.

By then I was already the Umno Youth leader and I was talking in front of a very urbane multi racial audience - students who are quite liberal in their thinking and they listen to what I have to say which is why they ask me that question. Now the test to see whether or not I am a chameleon is to see what I say in front of the Umno general assembly, in front of my Umno Youth assembly because that is traditionally where we have to strut our stuff. And I said if I say what I said here there (at the Umno assembly) and take all the risks that come with that, you’ll know that this is not a chameleon. So I did (at the Umno assembly in Oct). That is, for me, my proof that I am not just saying this when I meet with The Star or Chinese newspapers or online news portals. I’ve been saying it in front of my (Umno) guys. Fine, some of them give me a lukewarm response but the point is that I am saying it there. That’s important and that’s consistency. You can follow me anywhere and have hidden recorders and I will never betray the line that I have taken.

Q: What do you think is most misunderstood about you?

A: I don’t like the question because I don’t like talking about myself. It’s not for me either to answer a question like that. It’s for other people to tell me.

Q: Do you think you are misunderstood at all?

A: Obviously, I am (laughs). Clearly yah but I couldn’t pinpoint what it is. Some people don’t like me. What it is I don’t know. Whatever people say I am not a particularly ambitious person in politics. I made it very clear that I am happy to carry on for as long as - I wouldn’t say as long as I am needed because that is so old school - but for as long as this lasts. I don’t harbour any long term ambitions or anything like that. If it is good for the country it is good for the party.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

A: If I am not in politics, then obviously I would be doing something else.

Q: That is such a general answer.

A: The answer is not a general answer. When I give you that answer it means that I don’t exclusively see myself in politics in 10 years time. I could be doing something else. But if you ask me that and I gave you some answer saying that I hope to be a third term MP and still trying to make changes in politics that means that I am wedded to politics. I am not.

Q: So it’s like for as long as it lasts?

A: Yeah sure. And people should approach politics like that. As long as you are in there you should work hard to change and all that. But if it doesn’t work out for whatever reason, you shouldn’t outstay the welcome.


Parpu Kari Keldai..



BN Youth's Laboratory To Help Government Formulate Policies: Khairy

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The special laboratory to be set up to gather views from the young generation through the Barisan Nasional (BN) Youth platform will assist in the formulation of government policies which will be more acceptable to the younger group.

BN Youth head Khairy Jamaluddin said although the idea came from the meeting between the Umno Youth Exco and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Wednesday, it would be managed by the BN Youth as it involved all the young generation in the country.

"What the Prime Minister wants us to do is to create a mechanism, a laboratory to seek views that can be considered as suggestions to the government for the benefit of the young generation.

"The terminology used by the PM (prime minister) as is adopted by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), which is a laboratory for the six National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) ...But this is specifically for the Youth. We call it the Youth Laboratory, but it will be managed by the BN Youth together with Umno Youth," he told reporters.

He said this at the Chinese New year celebration hosted by the Sabah Swimming Association and the Sabah Umno Youth at the residence of the Association's secretary, David Ng, at Kg Tanaki, here Friday.

After leading a courtesy call on the Prime Minister by the Umno Youth Exco in Putrajaya, Khairy had said that the movement would hold meetings with the young generation to seek their views and ideas on current issues, as well as their aspirations with regard to government policies.

Earlier, Khairy, who is on a two-day working visit here, visited the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to present gifts in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration.

He is scheduled to proceed to Keningau Friday night and attend a Chinese New Year function organised by the Tenom BN Youth at the Dewan Sri Antenom, Tenom Saturday morning, before returning to Kuala Lumpur in the afternoon.



Weak leadership and not 'wrong candidates' the cause of PKR's bickering
By:Joseph Kaos Jr

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s confession that he fielded the “wrong” candidates in the March 8, 2008, general elections didn’t impress his political foes in Barisan Nasional (BN).

The normally self-assured Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser dropped a bombshell during his party’s Chinese New Year open house function in Penang when he apologised and owned up to the crowd for his poor selection.

Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein ridiculed Anwar’s confession and dismissed the notion that his selection was the cause of the current bickering in the party.

“What is currently happening within the party is not a matter of 'wrong' candidates but a case of Anwar’s candidates finally seeing the light,” Hishamuddin told The Malay Mail.

“They have eventually realised that Anwar could not deliver the many promises he made before the elections,
especially after he was given the chance to do so in the five States Pakatan won in 2008.”

Almost two years after its remarkable March 8 success, PKR and the Pakatan Rakyat coalition are suffering from constant internal squabbling.

Early this month, Bayan Baru MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim became the first PKR lawmaker to storm out of the party in anger.

Controversial MPs Zulkifli Noordin of Kulim-Bandar Baharu and Tan Tee Beng of Nibong Tebal have both publicly spoken out against the party and are speculated to follow in Zahrain's footsteps.

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can even fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time,” said Hishammuddin, borrowing some of the famous lines from US President Abraham Lincoln.

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin is also not convinced with Anwar’s reasoning. "I don't believe for a minute that all of PR, or PKR's problems for that matter, can be explained away by the fact that Anwar picked, in his own words, shaky candidates,” Khairy told The Malay Mail.

He said PKR’s infighting stemmed from something more fundamental.

“To suggest that the problems we are seeing today would not surface had other individuals become candidates and subsequently elected representatives, is extremely presumptuous,” said Khairy.

“There have been many well documented instances, particularly vis-a-vis PKR's relationship with its partners in PR, which has caused many of its own members to speak out against the party leadership.” Khairy said: “Loose cannons exist in all political parties and it's up to the leadership to deal with these elements. If the PKR leadership can't even satisfactorily manage internal dissent, how can the people be confident of its ability to lead a diverse country like Malaysia?”

Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang, meanwhile, challenged Anwar to not waste time in identifying all the “mistakenly fielded” PKR candidates – if the de facto PR leader is sincere about his mistake and his apology.

In a statement to The Malay Mail, Tan urged Anwar to issue a list of all the “wrong” candidates, and give an assurance to the voters that all those disclosed in the list would not be fielded again in the next election.

He said the people who voted for PKR in the 2008 elections have a right to know who the “wrong” candidates were.

“It is inappropriate to label any assemblyman or Member of Parliament from PKR or Pakatan Rakyat as 'unqualified' only after they decide to leave PKR and PR.”


Demi sepinggan nasi berkuah dal, Parpu akhirnya TEWAS!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Petikan dari : http://10sibudakhitam.blogspot.com/

Parpukari mengganas lagi, tapi seperti biasa bukan di alam realiti cuma di alam siber. Kenapa 10SBH berkata sedemikian? Lihat saja Parpukari di dalam blognya, begitu LANTANG BERSUARA, MEMAKI HAMUN sesuka hatinya untuk meluahkan apa saja yang dilihatnya tidak betul atau apa saja yang tidak memenuhi selera kemahuannya.

Semalam, bertempat di Restoran Kg. Pandan, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, disaksikan oleh ramai, bukan sahaja Pemuda UMNO, sebaliknya wakil-wakil NGO serta bloggers di mana Parpukari dan KJ dilihat bertentang mata, buat kesekian kalinya. Apa yang menjadi persoalan, apakah motif sebenar Parpu, hadir untuk memberikan sokongan di atas demonstrasi yang dijalankan atau sekadar meraih perhatian semua.

Apa yang menyedihkan 10SBH Parpu sebenarnya hanya gah di dalam blog dan tidak pada realitinya. Peluang terbuka luas di depan mata semalam, namun Parpu dikhabarkan seperti malu-malu kucing dan tidak segagah harimau yang selalu digambarkannya. Jelas karya lucahnya sekadar ingin memanaskan dunia blog serta hanya mencari publisiti murahan dari lembah hina yang lagi menjijikkan.

Kenapa apabila KJ berada di depan mata bersaksikan pula naib ketua Pemuda UMNO, barisan exco PPUM, pemuda-pemuda UMNO, Wakil Parti kompenan serta Ngo's, tidak dilupa bloggers. Parpu tidak lantang bersuara? Memaki KJ seperti didalam blognya serta menegakkan apa yang beliau rasa benar di blognya atau adakah kerana Parpu kecewa melihat KJ berjaya mendapat kepercayaan dari barisan exco, serta pemuda. Sayang seribu kali sayang, Parpu lebih memilih untuk mengambil nasi berkuah parpu demi mengisi perutnya yang lapar. Memang dasar penipu si Parpu ni...


Hospital gila ..ada orang gila makan banyak kari

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Caption gambar: Kasi 20 juta dari 200 juta tuh bos , saya diam ....... huh gila ke mana ada 200 juta.

Apa lagi yang dapat kita katakan dan membuat kesimpulan dengan blogger mesin photostate ini.

1) Dia kecewa kerana Khairy telah hidangkan dia depan depan matanya yang buta dan hidungnya yang tidak berbau dengan program hebat Pemuda. Dulu dia kata Pemuda Pondan kerana tidak mahu demonstrasi. Khairy buktikan kepada nya, wahai si Parpukari, This is the way untuk turun ke jalan. Tidak mengganggu pekedai, Punya permit dan ikut undang undang segalanya berjalan dengan lancar dan baik. Buta ke mata kamu tidak dapat melihatnya semalam. Jika kamu tidak mahu mengakui kejayaan Pemuda semalam itu hak kamu yang pasti semua orang tahu kamu kecewa kerana Khairy berjaya lakukan semalam dan mendapat sambutan. Kamu tidak langsung mahu siarkan gambar Khairy yang menjadi hero dan filem kamu semalam tidak punya hero .

2) Belum sempat kamu menarik nafas untuk mendapat secukup oxsigen, kamu sekali dikejutkan dengan berita besar Khairy berjaya lakukan nya sekali lagi. Masuk terus telur kamu yang kecut itu dan sesak nafas kamu . Kali ini tidak ada blog atau laman web lain yang mahu menipu. kerana sudah mengambil iktibar dan pengalaman apabila cuba melaporkan berita yang tidak betul mengakibat kredibiliti mereka punah ke longkang termasuk lah Hse Of Parpukari kini yang sudah jadi Drain of Parpukari, kamu telah banyak lakukan kesilapan yang besar dengan memusuhi Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO. Kami suka kerana inilah masanya kami akan buktikan kepada rakyat betapa kamu ini sebenarnya penipu.

3) Saya tidak akan sentuh apa yang telah disentuh oleh http://1-mal.blogspot.com/2010/02/jejak-kasih-khairy-jamaluddin-dan.html. tetapi saya mahu menyentuh dari sudut lain.Saya rasa kamu ada berniat jahat dan berniat untuk mencari kemewahan diri dan semalam ada bloggers yang rapat dengan kamu berbisik dengan bloggers yang rapat dengan kami yang kamu tidak tahu mengatakan bahawa kamu boleh berbaik dengan KJ dengan syarat.......... Kj perlu faham apa yang perlu KJ lakukan, jika tidak kamu akan terus memerangi KJ. Perang sajalah Parpu , Peluru kamu sudah tumpul dan senang saja mahu kami patahkan. Kamu tidak lagi bertaring , banyak orang tahu kamu kerja untuk apa. Kenapa kamu berhenti kerja sebagai kerani cabuk di institusi kewangan . Ramai yang sudah tahu. Kami pinta kamu teruskanlah kerana lagi lama kamu buat kerja terkutuk ini , KJ lagi mendapat simpati dan nama kamu kian tenggelam. Itulah pengalaman kamu singkek sangat sebenarnya.

4) Semua yang kamu tulis dalam blog kamu baca ini , ini saya paparkan dan baca apa yang sebenarnya berlaku di sini. Kesian saya tenguk kemu , ini membayangkan kamu ini dirundung sakit jiwa dan kesunyian . Kamu seorang saja lagi yang sakit . Semalam program KJ amat berjaya dan pertemuan dengan PM juga berjaya. baca sini berbeza dengan apa yang kamu laporkan Sekali kamu tipu orang akan percaya ..ini selalu sangat orang akan panggil kamu penipu . Cukup lah sampai sini dulu. Kembali lah ke jalan yang benar Parpukari. Kamu adalah Pengalah, Tiba tiba saja Parpukari jadi meroyan dan kalau boleh seluruh blog nahu ditulis dengan cerita KJ , Kalau Parpu ini bijak , suku muka saja dah boleh pengaruh pembaca , Tapi kalau asyik laporkan berita tidak benar 30 muka pun orang tidak akan percaya. Parpu sekarang sedang bekerja keras untuk meraih kepercayaan pembaca yang sudah hilang.

5) Macam macam dia mahu tipu kerana mmahu buruk kan KJ . Kaya KJ dapat 200juta lah PM bagi , Ha ha ha ha ha ha nak pecah perut aku ketawa, Dia ni gila ke apa atau dah sasau. Tadi dia cuba bodohkan pemuda sekarang dia nak busukkan PM pula. Ingat PM tuh bodoh macam dia mahu bagi 200 juta untuk program 500 orang. Kesian, tulislah banyak banyak untuk dijadikan bahan lawak. terima kasihlah popularkan KJ.


Khairy leads Umno Youth in protest against Australia

Pemuda Barisan Nasional (BN) hari ini menyerahkan memorandum menyatakan kemarahan rakyat Malaysia terhadap tindakan 50 anggota Parlimen Australia yang jelas ada niat untuk campur tangan dalam hal ehwal sistem kehakiman di negara ini.

Ketua Pemuda BN, Khairy Jamaluddin berkata, memorandum itu menuntut agar Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kecil Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri Parlimen Australia, Michael Danby menarik balik surat yang dihantar oleh 50 anggota Parlimen negara itu kepada Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaysia di Australia serta satu permohonan maaf daripada Danby bagi pihak 50 anggota Parlimen itu.

Khairy, yang juga Ketua Pemuda UMNO, berkata, memorandum itu juga menggesa agar Perdana Menteri Australia, Kevin Rudd menyatakan dengan jelas bahawa pendirian kerajaan Australia tidak sama dengan pendirian 50 anggota Parlimen negara itu.

"Malaysia adalah negara yang berdaulat. Dengan adanya keluhuran perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang-undang, kita tidak terima langsung apa saja usaha, apa saja tindakan yang kita anggap sebagai campur tangan daripada pihak Australia, luar negara dan asing dalam hal ehwal negara kita,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyerahkan memorandum itu kepada Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Australia, Penny Williams di sini hari ini.

Dalam pertemuan kira-kira 15 minit itu, Khairy berkata, Williams telah memberi jaminan bahawa kerajaan Australia tidak ingin campur tangan dalam sistem kehakiman Malaysia dan tidak mahu membuat satu pengadilan terlebih dahulu tentang perbicaraan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Kepada Parpu Keri dan TM, tak payahlah nak kecoh-kecoh siapa hero dan siapa bukan hero! yang jelas dan pasti disini KJ telah membuktikan beliau membuat tindakkan yang tepat membela negara dari di cerobohi campur tangan bangsa asing!

Khairy Jamaluddin berkata, kenyataan yang jelas daripada Rudd adalah penting bagi membuktikan Australia menghormati keluhuran undang-undang dan kedaulatan Malaysia.

"Desakan supaya Rudd membuat kenyataan secara jelas adalah salah satu daripada tiga tuntutan yang terkandung dalam memorandum bantahan bagi menyatakan kemarahan rakyat Malaysia terhadap tindakan ahli Parlimen berkenaan yang jelas berniat untuk campur tangan dalam hal ehwal sistem kehakiman di Malaysia.

"Malaysia adalah negara berdaulat yang ada keluhuran Perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang-undang. Kita tidak terima langsung apa sahaja usaha atau tindakan yang boleh dianggap sebagai campur tangan daripada pihak Australia atau asing dalam hal ehwal negara kita," katanya.


Ramai dah benci parpukari si penipu ini

Friday, February 12, 2010

Caption gambar: Si Parpukari buncit makan duit kutuk orang.

Semua orang tahu Parpukari sememangnya tidak sebulu dengan KJ bukan kerana dia benar benar tahu siapa KJ dan bukan dia kenal KJ secara peribadi dan dekat. Dia hanya cuma mencari kesalahan KJ Dari blog blog hasil fitnah pembangkang terhadap KJ dan juga yang mana dia terpaksa membenci KJ kerana KJ ada lah calon yang bertanding menentang toke nya , Mukhriz. Apabila Pemuda UMNO Malaysia menolak Mukhriz yang mereka begitu yakin untuk memenangi pemilihan Ketua Pemuda UMNO dahulu , hati Parpukari bertambah sakit dan bertambah lah kebencian beliau terhadap KJ. Bukan apa , Parpukari ini cari makan. Jika sekiranya Mukhriz menang . Bayangkan tentu sekali si Parpukari ini sudah pakai S Series. Inilah yang buat dia kecewa sangat dengan KJ. Bukan kerana dia tahu siapa KJ sebenarnya.

Kata si Parpukari , dia hanya insan akar umbi. Dia tidak kesah kenba kutuk. Tetapi makin hari makin ramai yang sudah membenci beliau dan jika blog yang menjadi aset beliau tidak ada kredibiliti , melaporkan berita tidak benar . Susah juga beliau mahu mencari makan. Maklumlah sebelum ini beliau hanya lah kerani cabuk biasa sahaja di sebuah institusi kewangan. Sebenarnya suara beliau bukan lah suara akar umbi, Suara beliau adalah suara individu yang mencuri dan mencilok berita berita dari laman lain untuk menjadi popular dan mencilok karya karya lakaran karkator orang lain . Kerja macam Parpukari ini mudah saja , Curi story orang , curi karikator orang dan yang bertanggung jawab adalah orang lain , Dia senang senang tuai hasil.

Kelakar , apabila si Parpukari ini cuba menghasut rakyat yang kononnya penyokong KJ semuanya menyokong Anwar Ibrahim dan benci PM. Ini perang saraf klass bawahan Parpukari yang tidak laku , perang saraf yang daj basi. Kalau lah penyokong KJ sokong Anwar sudah lama lah kami tulis dan sokong Anwar. Mungkin si Parpukari ini membaca pun tidak tahu. Yang paling best apabila banyak blog dan akhbar mengatakan Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO mengatakan laman blog melaporkan berita yang salah termasuk lah blog pencilok Parpukari melaporkan berita salah baca ini , dia terus dengan tidak guna akal menuduh kami yang menafikan berita berkenaan dan menuduh mereka menipu. Kami melaporkan berdasarkan apa yang Datuk Razali laporkan dan kami lebih percaya Datuk Razali dari Parpukari.Katanya bloggers BN di Perak ramai yang telah mula membenci Parpukari ini.


Sikap YB Razali terpuji dan menandakan setiakawan

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Serangan peribadi kepada YB Razali oleh MYKMU menampakan betapa mereka tertekan apabila sangkaan mereka , mereka akan mendapat sambutan kali ini nyata meleset sama seperti apa yang mereka tuliskan dalam artikel hari ini akan kemenangan KJ sebagai satu kejutan. Rupa rupanya mereka merasakan kemenangan KJ adalah satu rebutan kerana mereka telah banyak sekali menanam modal dan begitu yakin bahawa Khir Toto akan menang di dalam pertandingan berkenaan. Walaupun Khir terlepas dari tuduhan rasuah , pemuda tahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Itulah sebab Pemuda memilih yang benar benar boleh memimpin. Adalah satu kesalahan bagi mereka yang cuba merogol demokrasi yang telah lama di amalkan oleh UMNO.

Mereka bertandingan di satu padang yang adil , kesemua diberikan peluang yang sama . KJ ada kelemahan apabila beliau disabitkan dengan isu rasuah yang sebenarnya Pemuda tahu apakah yang berlaku sebenarnya. Perancangan ini telah terancang dengan teliti tetapi KJ berjaya memenangi juga pertandingan ini. "He Won" ......... Mengapa sukar benar untuk memahami . Dia menang , Khir Toyo dan Mukhriz kalah, sama seperti Rafidah Aziz , Mohd Mohammad Taib . Mereka ini semua kalah.

Masalah dalam pemuda , yang tidak setuju dengan Ketua Pemuda , itu baisalah , sesiapa juga yang jadi ketua Pemuda akan mengalami masalah yang sama. Manusia rambut sama hitam tetapi hati lain lain… Mereka tidak akan puas, jika KJ lantik orang lain ada lagi orang lain yang tidak setuju. Samalah seperti MYKMU, Jika Mukhriz menang mereka juga tidak setuju. Mana manusia pernah puas. Selagi manusia itu bernama manusia merka tidak akan puas. Apa saja yang KJ lakukan dalam Pemuda pasti merka tidak akan nampak. Mereka akan terus mencari kesalahan dan kelemahan dan kesalahan dan kelemahanlah yang akan mereka dapat.

YB Razali tidak perlu risau. YB Razali telah lakukan satu perkara yang betul yang mana ramai dari ahli Pemuda UMNO terkedu dengan keikhlasan dan ketegasan YB Razali, Jelas menampakan betapa Ketua Pemuda dan Naib ketua Pemuda UMNO begitu mantap sekali, Jangan takut dengan Mukhriz atau Khir Toyo kerana apa yang YB lakukan itu satu perkara yang terpuji yang sukar mereka boleh lakukan.


Anuar Safian - Ku Li jangan anggap rakyat Kelantan Bodoh

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Apa kah selama ini Ku Li ingat rakyat Kelantan bodoh dan apakah selama 32 tahun Ku Li yang telah menjadi ahli Parlimen selama 32 tahun tidak mempunyai ruang dan landasan untuk menerangkan kepada rakyat Kelantan atau kenapa selama itu juga beliau tidak pernah menuntut hak rotyalti sedangkan beliau adalah juga ahli Parlimen Gua Musang dan juga merupakan bekas Pengerusi Petronas.

Ku Li sudah boleh berhenti dan menutup lebaran politik nya kerana beliau kini tidak lagi akan mendapat kepercayaan dari ahli UMNO dan perbuatan beliau bersekongkol dengan Parti PAS ketika menganjur kan Program Ceramah Royalti Minyak amat memalukan ahli BN negeri Kelantan .

Rakyat Kelantan sudah mulai bosan dengan cara Tengku Razaleigh berpolitik malahan ramai yang menyifatkan Ku Li hanya mementingkan agenda sendiri dalam kerjaya politik beliau selama ini. Sememangnya bertepatan sekalai apabila perwakilan UMNO tidak memberikan beliau pencalonan untuk bertanding sebagai Presiden UMNO.

Rakyat Kelantan telah banyak diperbodohkan oleh pemimpin seperti Ku Li lebih-lebih lagi semasa beliau berada di dalam Semangat 46 dan akhirnya menyertai kembali UMNO.

“Sampai bila rakyat akan diperbodohkan lebih-lebih lagi kenyataan beliau yang mahukan Kelantan keluar daripada Malaysia sekiranya pusat tidak memberikan royalti kepada negeri ini tidak boleh sama sekali diterima oleh Pemuda UMNO dan selaku rakyat dalam negeri ini.

Sejurus itu Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Kelantan , sdr Anuar Safian menyifatkan perbuatan Ku Li itu sebagai negeri menyifatkan apa yang dilakukan bekas Pengerusi Petronas, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah pada Program Ceramah Royalti Minyak anjuran Gerakan Menuntut Wang Royalti Rakyat sebagai tidak lebih daripada memperbodohkan rakyat Kelantan.

Sdr Anuar menyifatkan tindakan Ku Li yang dianggap bersekongkol dengan Pas bagi menjayakan program itu mempunyai agenda peribadinya tersendiri.

“Bagi Pemuda UMNO kenyataan tersebut amat tidak berketepatan sebagai seorang pemimpin lama yang mempunyai banyak pengalaman,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, selaku Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) beliau tidak seharusnya duduk bersama-sama dengan pemimpin Pas yang lebih-lebih lagi banyak memperkecil kan dan membuat tuduhan yang bukan-bukan terhadap pimpinan parti.

“Bagi Pemuda UMNO, adalah lebih baik Ku Li melepaskan jawatan sebagai Ahli Parlimen BN dan menyertai Pas atau PKR,” katanya.

Anuar berkata, Pemuda UMNO memandang serius perkara itu lebih-lebih lagi tindakan Ku Li yang dianggap tidak tidak menghormati Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.

“Bagi Pemuda UMNO, royalti atau wang ihsan adalah sama sahaja. Apa yang penting, program dan perlaksanaan akan sampai kepada rakyat termiskin terbanyak yang boleh dibela dengan adanya bantuan lima peratus daripada Kerajaan Pusat ini.

“Bantuan ini nanti akan diagih secara adil dan saksama tanpa mengira fahaman politik seperti mana yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan BN selama ini melalui lain-lain bantuan seperti KWAMP, tabung bantuan nelayan dan skim bantuan baja pertanian yang telus dan adil,” katanya.

Sehubungan itu, Pemuda UMNO meminta pihak berkenaan supaya jangan sesekali menuntut hak yang tidak ada dalam perjanjian.

“Pemuda UMNO harap Ku Li menasihati Kerajaan Negeri membuat tuntutan melalui mahkamah supaya ianya lebih jelas kepada rakyat tentang siapa yang lebih berhak untuk melaksanakannya sama ada melalui ihsan atau royalti,”




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