Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkeras mengatakan bahawa beliau langsung tidak terbabit dalam konspirasi yang melibatkan kes memfitnah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang dituduh meliwat seorang pembantu khasnya itu.

Benarkah kehadiran Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan di Pejabat Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 12.2.2008 itu bertujuan untuk memohon sokongan bagi melanjutkan pelajaran? Benarkah Saiful hadir tanpa sebarang undangan khas daripada Datuk Najib sendiri?

Bukti sudah terbentang wujud. Gambar Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan bersama pembantu khas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Khairil Anas Yusof dirakam di Pejabat Timbalan Perdana Menteri merupakan bukti sahih kehadiran Saiful di sana.

Perjumpaan itu dilakukan selang beberapa minggu sebelum pilihanraya umum(PRU) berlangsung dan sejurus selepas berakhirnya PRU, Saiful dilantik pula oleh Anwar sebagai Pembantu Khas. Apakah permainan yang sedang berlangsung ini?

Saiful berada di pihak siapa? Mana mungkin seorang yang aktif berpersatuan di pusat pengajian tingginya dahulu bertindak bagai serampang dua mata dan bekerjasama dengan kedua belah pihak yang diketahui langsung tidak sehaluan.

Jika Saiful merupakan Pegawai Khas kepada Anwar Ibrahim dan berpihak kepada arus politik Anwar Ibrahim, kenapa pula beliau ingin meminta bantuan sokongan daripada Najib? Sedangkan Anwar boleh menjadi funder yang pasti menjamin masa depan Saiful.
Adakah ini perancangan terancang yang diatur oleh Najib memandangkan beliau sedar kedudukan beliau sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri tidak menjamin beliau untuk mendaki tangga menjawat jawatan Perdana Menteri pula disebabkan Anwar Ibrahim yang juga besar pengaruhnya itu telah bebas untuk berpolitik?

Ditambah pula timbul isu kaitan dirinya dan isteri (Datin Rosmah) dalam kes pembunuhan seorang wanita Monggolia, Altantuya Shaaribu yang sedang hangat diperkatakan minggu lepas, membuatkan Najib semakin menggelabah.

Adakah disebabkan itu beliau terpaksa bertindak segera bagi mengalihkan perhatian rakyat kepada isu yang sama hangat seperti demikian? Beliau juga terpaksa membabitkan nama Pak Lah dan menantu beliau, Khairy dalam segala pertuduhan dengan harapan nama baik Pak Lah akan turut tercemar dan perancangan cita-cita menjadi Perdana Menteri beliau itu tercapai.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin juga nampaknya tidak betah duduk. Isu yang sedikit sebanyak mencemarkan nama Najib itu sebenarnya akan merosakkan rancangan asalnya juga.
Hajat Muhyiddin untuk menjadikan Najib sebagai kuda tunggangan sementara memberi peluang untuk Najib naik menjadi Perdana Menteri untuk seketika sebelum beliau memangkas Najib nampaknya juga sedikit tergugat.

Najib dan Muhyiddin sengaja mengaitkan nama Pak Lah dan Khairy dalam konspirasi kes pembunuhan Altantuya dan menjadikan Saiful sebagai bahan untuk menjatuhkan Anwar. Najib dan Muhyiddin sedar rakyat pasti tidak akan marah pada mereka sekiranya Anwar dituduh sebegitu. Yang akan menjadi tumpuan segala pertuduhan diletakkan pastinya Perdana Menteri iaitu Pak Lah.

Sedangkan ia semua bukan angkara Pak Lah malah Pak Lah langsung tiada kaitan dalam kes itu. Semua ini telah dirancang oleh Najib dan Muhyiddin. Merekalah yang mereka segala konspirasi ini dan membuat segala perancangan untuk menjatuhkan Pak Lah dan menyekat kemaraan Anwar dalam bidang politik negara ini demi merealisasikan impian mereka sendiri.


Anonymous said...

Memang berpuluh konspirasi orang dah timbulkan mengenai hal ini. Tapi ini kali pertama pula saya tersrempak alegasi yang melibatkan nama Muhyiddin. Kita sebenarnya memang perlu berfikiran sangat terbuka dalam isu ini, dan jangan terlalu mengikut ideologi atau sokongan kita kepada mana2 pihak, kerana itu hanya akan menyempitkan minda kepada "pendapat2 dan konspirasi2" ke arh itu sahaja.

Yang penting sekarang utnuk tidak menghuru-harakan lagi keadaan politik negara kita ini. Dunia luar sedang memerhatikan kita. Dan akan ada juga pihak luar yang akan tak sabar membantu menjatuhkan kerajaan kita.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Memang tak boleh nafi Anwar punya isu ni dapat laporan media luar! Buat malu negara aje! Ada pulak media luar menggunakan peluang ni untuk menyokong puak2 dia je! Kita kena ingat dalam politik duni melibatkan negara bukan Islam mereka sangat suka mengapi-apikan hal yang bukan-bukan! Pikir2lah sama-sama hal ini!

Anonymous said...

The details of the case do not tally.

1. How does Saiful has the money to stay at Desa Damansara condo? Whether he buys or rents, it is beyond his means.

2. This is bcos Najib said he went to his office to solicit scholarship. If he needs scholarship, he cant be filthy rich, thus how did he end up staying in that condo?

3.In one of the blog, Saiful mentioned that he dropped out of Uniten bcos he doesnt like to study.So, the story that he went to Najib's office for scholarship does not hold waters.

4. Since when , anyone can just walk into a DPM's office and asked for scholarship? The fact that Najib said he asked for scholarship, then Saiful is known to Najib, where else Shahrir said he cant even remembered meeting him ! That showed Saiful is more than a casual visitor to DPM's office.
I have summed up my conclusion based on the facts presented. Conspiracy theory.

Anonymous said...

Siapakah yg buat konspirasi? Pak Lah? Najib? Mahathir? Muhyiddin or Anwar sendiri?.Munkin ada pihak yang lain yang cuba memecahbelahkan lagi kaum Melayu dan umat Islam di negara kita.Mereka ini munkin mengambil peluang dan tunggu masa saja untuk bergembira kerana berjaya dengan missi mereka.Memandangkan rapuhnya hubungan kita terutama ahli-ahli politik yang berbangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam.
Kalau benarlah si Saiful itu diliwat..saya syorkan dia pegi mengaku dan ceritakan yang sebenar-benarnya di depan Tok guru Nik Aziz, Harun Din,Hj Hadi atau ulama2 yang diterima oleh semua.
Hanya Allah yang lebih tahu.

Anonymous said...


Hmm..menarik. Saya tidak langsung membayangkan yang TS Muhyiddin Yassin boleh dilibatkan sekali. Kenyataan ini akan lebih membuka minda saya terhadap isu kes liwat Anwar ini. Pelbagai spekulasi yang diberikan, namun begitu saya rasa kalian semua patut meneliti spekulasi ini, pasti akan membuatkan anda lebih terbuka minda terhadap isu kes liwat Anwar..

"Seven Conspiracy Theories of the Anwar Sodomy Allegations"

The recent sodomy accusations against Anwar Ibrahim have given rise to plentiful conjecture, analysis, and plain old blind guesses and rumour-mongering.
This nation-shaking controversy has dominated local media (including Malaysiakini, lol) and blog coverage since it first erupted. What really happened? Who is behind it? Who stands to gain most from it? Who will triumph in the end?
But there is one word that is on everybody’s lips: CONSPIRACY.
This controversy is simply too complicated, and the timing too right, to be a simple and straightforward case. This must be the work of a sinister komplot! We must dig deeper to find out the truth behind this deep conspiracy! Or so they say…
Thus I present seven of these wild, totally unfounded, baseless and unproven - yet annoyingly popular - conspiracy theories that are popping up around the blogs and kopitiam discussions.
DISCLAIMER: I myself am not part of the conspiracy. Really. Don’t ISA me.
1) A certain political rival of Anwar is behind it
This is probably the most popular theory among concerned Netizens. It says that a certain Prominent Politician, who is currently embroiled in his own controversy involving accusations linking his wife to a murdered foreign national, concocted the Anwar Sodomy Plot in order to shift the media spotlight away from himself.
Young Saiful Bukhari, familiar to Prominent Politician’s own aides, was groomed for this mission. He conveniently volunteered to help out in Anwar’s campaign just when extra hands were needed. When the time was ripe, he released his allegations from within the very midst of Anwar’s team.
Being a mole sent by Prominent Politician, it is little wonder that telling photographs linking Saiful Bukhari to various members of Prominent Politician’s team have been uncovered.
After all, this theory says, the best case scenario for Prominent Politician would be for Anwar to be shamed or arrested out of the running to be Malaysia’s Prime Minister, thus opening the way for himself to take the reigns of power unchallenged.
2) Anwar himself is behind it
The Prominent Politician from Theory #1 responded to such allegations by publicly revealing his team’s own theory - that Anwar had long planned this whole show in order to gain the public’s sympathy as the wrongfully persecuted underdog.
To wit, this theory says that Anwar carefully selected Saiful Bukhari and sent him to mix in among the rival politicians, gaining their trust and taking lots of photographs with them - including an aide to Prominent Politician himself.
Then, just when the foreign national controversy was already stirring up the mud, Anwar played his hidden joker. Of all the accusations of wrongdoing that could be made, the sodomy allegation was chosen - an allegation that had already been overturned by the courts once, and brought to mind the black eye and massive support for Reformasi. No safer and more emotionally stirring choice of accusation could made.
This theory makes out Saiful Bukhari’s police report, PKR’s indignation at the allegations, and Anwar’s taking refuge in the Turkish Embassy for fear of his life to be just one big sandiwara - nothing more than a political drama meant to fool the naive and gullible public.
3) Both of them are behind it!?
Perhaps the strangest theory is that both Prominent Politician and Anwar are using the same ploy simultaneously! This theory says that since both sides have something to gain from this hoo-hah, both sides may be behind it.
The theory continues that although it is unknown who got to him first, Saiful Bukhari was independently approached by both parties to carry out their secret plans. The young aide reaped a double windfall by accepting both offers and the accompanying pay-offs without the other side’s knowledge. Now all he has to do is keep on his toes and keep both sides in the dark about the other’s plot.
A conspiracy theory worthy of Hollywood, to the point where you almost expect Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to burst through the windows and carry out the assassination of the double agent!
4) Saiful Bukhari is acting alone
A much more reasonable conjecture than Theory #3, and for that same reason, no one seems to be very eager to adopt it.
This theory simply says that Saiful Bukhari is in it alone and for himself. He made up this whole thing in order to gain fame or a large payoff. All the unfounded theories about this side or that forging a conspiracy are the work of overly active imaginations. You media and blogger types should be ashamed of yourselves.
Yawn… Let’s move on before we lose our readership.
5) One of their close aides is behind it
Other than Prominent Politician and Anwar, the other people who stand to gain from this convoluted controversy are their respective aides and right hand men.
This theory says that since the controversy has adverse effects on both politicians, therefore neither of them is actually behind it. Instead, one of their aides is making a grab for power by tarnishing his boss’s public image and playing the bigshots against each other.
By blending this theory with Theory #3, you get a plot within a plot where the aides from both sides are aiming to take their bosses down, working together in order to climb the steps of their respective ladders of power.
6) An even bigger player is behind it
Apart from those next in line to be Prime Minister In The Running, there is another figure who stands to personally (if not politically) gain from the removal of both Prominent Politician and Anwar. A figure whose influence runs deep and connections reach far. A figure whose very name conjures forth dark and fearful visions of the police knocking on your door at 3 a.m..
This figure is displeased with the direction the country has been heading since he released his grip on power, and foresees only ruin if Prominent Politician or Anwar takes the reins.
He has repeatedly and publicly expressed his personal dislike for the former as well as his role in the previous round of sodomy accusations against the latter, and even his condescension towards the boss of one of them.
Rumours have it that he may even be positioning his own carefully-groomed protégé to skilfully snatch the helm of leadership in place of any of the three.
To that end, this theory says that the fallout from continuous media circus surrounding Prominent Politician and Anwar will keep them busily distracted and hobble their campaigns to win public and political support.
And if they permanently destroy their reputations in their paranoid accusations and bickering… Well, so much the better. The puppet master suffers not dissent (this refer to Tun Mahathir).

7) The most shocking conspiracy of all - it really happened
Man, I’m not even gonna go there, so unpopular is this theory. I mean, it’s… It’s… BORING! So by definition, it cannot possibly be true.

So, apakah pandangan kalian? fikir-fikirkanlah.

Anonymous said...

hello bloggers!
anon, kalau Saiful dah berani buat laporan polis, tentunya mengaku di depan ulama2 tidak mampu menakut dia untuk berkata benar.
Kita semua tidak tahu apa sebenarnya yang berlaku melainkan Saiful sendiri. Jadi, kita kena tanya tuan punya badan. Saya harap Saiful berani tampil dan menyatakan hal yang sebenar. Kerana kalau dia nak sembunyi2 pun sekarang ni dah takde maknanya. Satu malaysia, termasuk negara2 luar cam dan kenal muka dia, tunang dia dan mungkin ahli keluarga dia. Tapi isu keselamatan perlu difikirkan juga. Terlalu ramai penyokong2 fanatik Anwar, Muhyiddin dan mereka yang seangkatan dengannya yang sanggup bergadai nyawa untuk pemimpin sanjungan mereka.
Diharapkan isu ini dapat diselesaikan dengan segera. Kerana, ini mampu mengugat image dan kestabilan Malaysia di mata dunia.

joenathan said...

Yes Anonymous you had raised all those questions which were boggling my mind.It makes a lot of sense.

Interesting indeed,lets see if our PDRM can do their job this time around without fear or favour(i personally have no confidence in our PDRM,esp when a case involves those govt big shots)nevertheless hope is what we Malaysians have been trained to live with,so lets see what crops up.

Anonymous said...

sah Muhyiddin n Najib anak buah TUN.Strategi dan taktik yang sama di gunakan untuk meneruskan karier politik mereka.sama seperti apa yang mereka rancangkan untuk menumbangkan pemerintahan pak lah.dayus

Anonymous said...

bodoh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!koorg semuanya bodoh!!!!!!!!!!!!konspirasi Rekaan Najib dan Muhyiddin............salah la. yang betulnya Konspirasi Rekaan Anwar Ibrahim Sendiri. Aku bersetuju dengan pendapat Ezam yg merupakan bekas setiausaha politik si anwar ibrahim ni. Makhluk Anwar ni satu-satunya Setan yang bertopengkan manusia. Dia sanggup buat apa saja asalkan agenda busuknya tercapai. Malaysia bakal dijajah oleh Yahudi Lakhnatullah (USA @ Amerika Syarikat).Kalau ini konspirasi pihak kerajaan mahu pun pihak ketiga.Gila dan bangang sapa percaya kalau ada agenda pihak tertentu menggunakan muslihat yang sama utk jatuhkan sesorang. Jangan jadi bodoh sebodohnya beb. Anwar yang berfikiran Yahudi ni sanggup gadai apa saja beb.......hahahahaha yahudi ketawakan kita beb.pandai dan licikan perancangan setan anwar ni kan............

Anonymous said...

I dont think it is AI's own conspiracy to create publicity. My reasoning is as follow :1. Saiful needs to have anal sex as the police will send him to the hospital for checkup. To sacrifice his ass for AI is a huge step for a Muslim and his family.2. Saiful also need to tie back the dates and times and the whereabout of both parties will be checked. And it is either a yes or no.3. The police can be very "persuasive" in getting the truth if they smelt that Saiful is lying and the punishment is great and I doubt Saiful can last the interrogation.4. Why should AI trust someone so new to him to play out the role? Saiful may break anytime and he has nothing to lose while AI will loose everything if it is discovered that it is hoax by AI.5. AI is almost there in getting the support to form the next Govt and the voices of BN in Sabah clearly indicated unhappiness with the PM. I personally feel he can make it on Sep 16. 6. Someone has already commented that a 60 years old with back pain AI is no match for Saiful if he refuses, so physically its hard for liwat unless it is consensual, then both parties is equally guilty.So, if its true, why would Saiful also implicate himself and spoil his future?All the facts point towards a political conspiracy. Sorry, BN, we are not as naive as you.

abe MIE 'TERJAH' said...

Berdasarkan pengalaman dan cakap-cakap seharian pasal liwat kes anwar, abe MIE bahagikan kepada dua

TAK BETUL- Anwar Tak buat

1. Anwar seorang manusia yang masih berakal. Logik ke Anwar hendak buat benda itu. Kita sebagai manusia yang ada akhlak dan berfikiran bodohpun tidak akan lakukan. Haiwanpun tidak pernah lakukan.

2. Usia Anwar sudah 60-an jadi takkan dia hendak buat benda terkutuk itu. Kalau melibatkan perempuan (seks bebas), abe MIE percaya dan banyak cerita yang orang melihat Anwar memang 'kaki perempuan'. BUAYA POLITIK. Anwar bebas hendak mencari perempuan luar negeri, pergi Hawaii, Bali, Bangkok... kenapa dia hendak juga lubang 'al-juburi'? Busuk pula tu.

3. Anwar baru sahaja bebas dari lokap, enam tahun lamanya dan kini baru sahaja dua, tiga tahun bebas. Adakah dia mahu hidup dalam lokap? Mungkin dia akan mati tidak lama lagi?Takkan dia masih berminat dengan 'al-juburi'?

4.Anwar mempunyai pendapat yang logik dan boleh diterima, iaitu dia sebenarnya diperangkap dan terperangkap. Alasannya- kerana ada 4 orang YB BN hendak masuk PR (keluar BN), kerana tindakannya mahu bertanding dalam pilihanraya. Ada orang hendak menguburkan dan memburukkan namanya.

5. Kesnya sama dengan kejadian 1998. Dulu Mahathir, pemerintah kuku besi. Kini Pak Lah pemerintahan 'kuku plastik'.

6. Apabila mellihat Azizah semua orang menagih simpati kerana dia tahu siapa Anwar? Buruk-buruk Anwar suami pun, laki Azizah juga. Sudah Ada beberapa orang anak dan tak akan lakukan perkara itu.

7. Anwar melaporkan kepada polis dan akan menyaman si mangsa yang menuduhnya liwat. (Tapi dalam masa yang sama dia mengakui yang polis dan sistem kehakiman Malaysia tidak betul)??

YANG BETUL- Anwar 'kemungkinan Lakukan'

1. Ada mengatakan buntut si mangsa ada kesan 'lubang'.. dan abe MIE tidak pasti air mani itu ada atau tidak wujud. Air mani memang ada tapi tidak tahu ia milik siapa? SIapa bapanya.. Membazir buang begitu aje...

2. Anwar menuduh semua orang terlibat. Ketua polis, ketua hakim, PM, TPM, Isteri Najib... semua orang BN.. adakah mereka semua jahat? Adakah mereka tidak akan diadili oleh Allah bila mati nanti? Adakah mereka semua gila? Mereka juga tahu hukum -hakam dan KALAU MATI AKAN DIBALAS...

3. Kenapa pada mulanya ANwar sembunyikan diri? 1998, dia berani dan lawan Tun Mahathir yang gagah? sedangkan dengan 'BN lembik' dia lari? Dulu ANwar kata- lawan tetap lawan... sekarang kenapa dia tidak lawan Tun Mahathir? Yang lawannya ialah Pak Lah juga.

4. Kenapa memilih Kedutaan Turki yang kita tahu negaranya sekularnya. Kenapa tidak minta perlindungan kedutaan negara Indonesia? Iran, Pakistan, Kuwait atau negara Islam lain? Mereka juga ada kekebalan sebagai kedutaan.

5. Kenapa Anwar tidak menjawab masalah peribadinya dan menyalahkan masalah itu adalah masalah politik? Dari dulu lagi. Anwar dikenai sebagai pelakon politik yang berjaya antara yang juara. BEST NO.1

6. Kenapa Anwar tidak bersumpah berkanun macam dilakukan Raja Petra? Atau bersumpah di masjid kalau dia tiada masa? Jangan kaitkan masalahnya kini dengan masalah orang lain. Nanti kalau ramai menjawab, lain cerita dan banyak pula Anwar kena jawab.

7. Kenapa Anwar meminta bantuan barat? tidak negara Islam? Bukan maksud kedutaan, tapi melibatkan diplomasi negara.

8. Kenapa keluarga si mangsa dan mangsa sendiri diancam? Kalau Anwar tidak bersalah, biarlah mahkamah menetukan. Takkan hendak mengadili kes ini di mahkamah dunia pula? Atau diadili di USA?

9. Kenapa Anwar memburukkan negara? Badan kehakiman dan polisi? Anwar adalah satu nyawa sahaja sedangkan kita semua adalah melibatkan jutaan nyawa. Mana penting, maruah seorang atau maruah jutaan orang? Jangan samakan Malaysia macam Iraq atau 'negara karnibal' (orang makan orang). Anwar boleh pilih mana-mana negara yang dia suka dan boleh pilih mana-mana negara yang dia akan ditanam. Tapi jangan burukkan Malaysia yang dipimpin oleh Orang Melayu Islam. Adakah Anwar mahukan Karpal Singh, Lim Guan Eng atau Sivarasa jadi PM!!!

10.Anwar seorang kaki perempuan dan banyak gambarnya dengan perempuan lain. Itu tidak boleh dinafikan. Tun Mahathir sendiri pernah memberitahu yang Anwar berlagak alim kucing sahaja. Dia banyak mendengar masalah peribadi Anwar semasa menjadi TPM (masa itu dia YB dari BN) fikirlah sendiri.

Mana betul dan mana tak betul... Ezam sendiri memberitahu yang masalah Anwar adalah masalah dia seorang dan jangan melibatkan orang lain, agama lain, negara lain, ... BENDA MACAM NIE PUN TAK BOLEH BUAT MACAM MANA NAK TURUNKAN HARGA MINYAK...


Anonymous said...

To me, Malaysia is run by institutionalised bullies, corrupters, gangsters, goons, infidels, liars, monkeys, scumbags, thieves and all that are mentioned in the Book of Hell!

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts.

The Chinese or the yellow race is what brings progress. Just look at Asia……….is enough.

Whether they do it internationally or locally they will survive.

We can distinctly see the lowering of Malaysia standards of living as the percentage of Chinese in this country goes down.

In the 70s we were tops with 40 over percent of Chinese and today with only 25 percent we are far behind Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea.

Main reason is the number of such Chinese migrating to these countries - the best ones and rich ones.

Next ten years as the percentage goes even lower, we would be nearing Indonesia or Philippines.

Meanwhile enjoy your stay and the good time.

On the whole as the Chinese spreads out throughout the world, the average standards of these will have much higher standards of living over others.

Anonymous said...

This country was all along a land for Orang Asli. The Chinese originated from China, Indians originated from India, malays originated from Indonesia etc. China get to give priority to the Chinese, India get to give priority to the Indians, and the malays are just freeloading from the Orang Asli land by claming it is bumi land.

This is because they are doing what Allah said……….Allah told malays to come from Indonesia and steal the land from Orang Asli and use Orang Asli as slaves. So when is Malaysia giving priority to Orang Asli?

The only time Malaysia is not a racist country is when an Orang Asli becomes the prime minister of Malaysia - which is never - it is a genocide in the name of Allah!

Anonymous said...

Islam in Malaysia is suppressing humanity, dignity and desire of a normal human being.

Islam in Malaysia is causing trouble to non-Muslims who goes about their everyday life to do what any other normal human being on earth are doing.

Islam in Malaysia does not respect traffic law when Muslims can park their cars all over the road and causes inconvenience to everybody.

Islam in Malaysia does not contribute to the progress of the malay race and any other race in Malaysia.

Islam felts threaten in Malaysia, when nobody actually gives a damn about them.

Anonymous said...

I feel I am not very comfortable with Indonesia. The government, when think of it, it is also quite funny.

First, they don't want Chinese to be in their country. Good, kill Chinese and get them out of the country. After when they are no Chinese in Indonesia, now look at the country - A junk country. Useless currency, the country is overpopulated with uneducated peoples.

No more Chinese in Indonesia mean no one do business there. Because 70% of the economy are control by Chinese. In addition, majority of the companies are own and run by Chinese.

And you? You are just a person filled with racial jealousy. Proof? Why should we prove anything to you? We are a prosperous and rich race, I couldn't care less if dirt crawler like you don't believe it. Back to the hole you came from!

Malay, you are in denial. You want evidence? Just open your eyes and see! All around you, in China, in Indonesia, in the TV, on the street, everywhere! Chinese are superior money makers!

Ha……….it is not about boosting our ego. I mean why would we have to? We have so much to be proud of already. It is a matter of truth.

I am sorry if you can't take the reality that malays aren't the ones who control a good amount of economy in South-East Asia. But it is not like you don't have anything to be proud of.

I am not thinking that our race is the best. I am talking the truth. Look at Indonesia before the riot, the country is stable and well. But after they have thrown all the Chinese away, the country has fallen. And lots of poor peoples there. The logic is already able to tell you.

Hahaha! Despite living in Malaysia, I already have second home in Perth. Why should I must live in Malaysia! What a fool!

I will pay loyalty to Australia. Why should I pay my loyalty to country like Malaysia which only care about their own ass malays? Where Chinese are treated as second class citizens there!

Why should I care about your people, and also I don't care about your people anymore. Because I am spending more time live at Australia. One day you will see your country become a second Iraq and collapse. You will see the time will come.

Malay, stop your stupid thinking. The truth is the truth. One more thing, you make the laugh when I think of, you can't even compete with the Chinese! Most Chinese think that your kind is crook. If you know where what I mean.

Your anti Chinese thinking will never improve your people. You should look into yourself before you insult other races.

You can't even compete with the Chinese, my friend. We are everywhere. Doing business, earning money. Anti Chinese is always anti China. Every word is against the China. Even China become superpower, you will find something to say China is bad. Ha!

It is extremely unwise for a Chinese to flaunt his wealth in Indonesia. He should have kept quiet about his wealth and stash away his money in a hidden Swiss Bank account.

A country is poor because of its own faults, don't blame others. China was extremely poor until the 1980s when it decided to drop its arrogant ideal and open its economy.

For example, if you want to be rich. What are you going to do? Of course, think logic and hard working. That is how a businessman will success. Don't blame anyone else if you are poor. Blame yourself for not smarter enough and work harder to be rich.

This is different - Chinese success in Indonesia, where the malays start killing Chinese is because of jealousy. And Indonesians should stop blaming Chinese for monopolizing the economy, because Indonesians themselves are quite lazy compared with ethnic Chinese.

What do you expect, his Indonesia homeland is weak and the peoples are poor. His culture stays in the bottom of the world. Maybe he should look into himself before commenting other races. What a shame!

But come on, Chinese culture is obviously superior to those countries in South-East Asia such as the Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines.

China has had an ancient civilization and a long commercial tradition. It is no coincidence that Chinese have uniformly dominated the economies of this region for so long. It is a cultural difference, not a racial one.

If Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines adopt Chinese culture and become Chinese way, they would be just as successfully. It is a matter of cultural values and a certain worldview.

Anonymous said...

Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:

· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.

Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:

· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.

Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:

· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.

Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.

If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?

No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.

Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!

Anonymous said...

Good article!

Congratulation to you. You are a great man, may God bless you in all your hard works.

You would make Dr Mahathir to cry again. Though Malaysian Chinese students are discriminately barred from entering into the local universities in spite of outstanding results, they are forced to study overseas.

Nowadays, the degrees obtained by these students are widely accepted, they can face the world-trend of globalization.

They are not accepted by their own country, but they are welcome by all countries throughout the world.

Singapore is not that great, but look at Malaysia; lots of natural resources, a larger population, yet still a third class country.

Come on, we achieved independence at the same time……….

In Malaysia, you just need two things for survival - work hard for any given opportunity and have a right religious belief. The rest is history.

Malaysian Chinese have no future in Malaysia. That corrupt, incompetent and lazy majority will run our beloved country to the ground.

Emigrate if you have the chance to do so.

Well, I am also one of them victim of brain drain and all my fellow friends.

I wish I am not a Malaysian and never wish that my next generations would suffer the same faith as I do.

Anonymous said...

It is a sad story for both Sabah and Sarawak for joining Malaysia. Just look at Brunei and Singapore to see the answer.

Sabah and Sarawak is being raped by Malaya till dry, all the oil and timber from the two states is being used to finance all the failed projects and also to feed all the Umno zealots.

Ask the Iban and Kandazan, they are being marginalized. Now the government even want to make the country into an Islamic state, did Sabah and Sarawak agree to join an Islamic state in the first place?

September 16 is a day for mourning, a day of shame for Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

It is undeniable that malays are stupid, incapable and lazy. Why don't they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?

What is the point to argue here and wasting time again?

From the first onwards we were merely telling the truths. It wasn't us who think that way but their own Badawi as well.

All malays should go and read the newspaper, even Badawi is ashamed of maintaining the NEP after 34 years of implementing it and these malay baboons are still asking for it.

Even Badawi wanted them to compete on a level playing field.

So what does all these tell the world? It sends a very clear message that it is malays themselves who are incapable and lazy and they don't even want to admit it and make a change!

That is the biggest shame of all.

Can't you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released 'pantun'.

After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.

But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why???

Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?

The leaders forgot or were it they simply didn't want to address and admit that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?

Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them 'malas', and if you put 'y' in, it becomes 'malays'.

Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can't live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a 'bahasa penjajah'.

When other races 'maju', they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, "I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays."

Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.

Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, parochialism, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.

To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.

A genetically flawed race cannot be fixed by politically. Nature will take its course and globalization will put them out to pasture.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malays from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia!

Anonymous said...

It is been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on an all "Malaysians" free for all.

The "malays" are not a race. I am so sorry that you are only hearing this now. The rest of the academic world has known it for years.

Evidence, and not mere gut-feeling please.

From Yunnan to Taiwan, to Philippines, to Borneo, back to Cambodia, then to Kelantan, mixed with Achenese, Pattanis, Negritos, Javanese, Jakuns, Indians, Chinese and Arabs again.

In short, a Chinese mixed sub-race. Why not just say Chinese?

Anonymous said...

Sad to say without the Chinese and other non-malay races in Malaysia and Indonesia, the region will be the backwater of Southeast Asia.

The malays cannot stand on their own feet. Just compare the GDP contribution of non-malays present and past against the malays.

Sadly, the most Middle Eastern civilization are Islamic based on their God Allah and they are a failure compared to Western civilization based on human ideology. This is partially why Malaysia 'tak boleh maju', as its policies are based on religion and race.

Oh wait, to that malay who says 'majority is always right'. Certainly, you still have a long way to go. You are not 'sons of the soil'. The Orang Asli, not the malays, are the rightful owner of Malaysia.

You guys stole the land from them, just like your Arab brothers who tried to force their religion on others by military conquest in hopes of dying for your God and copulate with the 72 virgins in Muslim paradise! Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia is slowly and surely turning into a very sick place. We must finish off Umno and its cronies to cure the country from this acute sickness.

Anonymous said...

Malay leaders in Malaysia like to see their folks contained in a chicken coop. They tell them that they are free and yet to be beholden to them as they are the ones providing them their feed.

They even believe that if they left the coop, they might be eaten up by the wily fox, and that they might otherwise starve to death.

The Singapore malays is in no illusions and they know they are out of the coop. They got to find their own nourishment and they got no leader throwing in the crumbs to them.

If they don't want to labour for their food, they can always go across the causeway and be given citizenship rights and take advantage of all the crumbs thrown at them. But most of them will not.

Of course the chicken shit from there have all long crossed over. But the rest have a little more dignity and stay on to show what they are really made up of.

I respect the Singapore malays for that. It does not matter that they have made a lot of wrong turns or that they have hardly a fighting chance. But they got more respect and dignity than their kinsfolk from over here Malaysia.

This is what half-past-six ministers that we have in Malaysia. Even comparison between Singapore malays and Malaysian Chinese, Singapore malays are never discriminated by their government based on equality.

I have so many Singapore malay friends from school mates, college mates to business partners. Penang malays would be so glad if they are treated like Singapore malays. Just ask the Singaporeans……….do they want to be back to Malaysia?

The problem with the Malaysia malays is their jealous attitude. If they are left behind, they will prevent others from moving ahead too! And sometimes even sabotaging others, and some resort the use to cast spell on others.

Not only the laid back malays are preventing their own people from being successful, but other races too. We also want the malays to be successful by creating value in the society so that everyone benefit but not by taxing the non-malays then give contracts to the malays, who will then deliver half-past-six service.

Change your own attitude first through value creation using your own tears and sweats!

As said before, had Malaysia been managed by Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues for the past 40 years, Malaysia would have been much better off today, including all the malays! 95% would have owned a house, and no such rampant corruption!

For the malay ultras, facts speak louder than your bigotry cries, wake up, grow up, be men instead of sissies!

You see the problem here - the malays just cannot face up to their main problem - Laziness. This shows how thick-skinned and self-deluded these people are.

Malaysia is a multi-racial country. Jika kamu tak suka, kamu boleh blar……….tiada orang larang kamu.

The fact is malays you are the biggest loser! I am trying to wake you up instead of using the way like what our government is practice to provide NEP even though it is proven NEP is a failure in the past 30 years. Keep on dreaming if you think Malaysia could achieve Vision 2020 with your kind of attitude!

Majority of the Penang big government contracts is being awarded to the malay firms. What else you want! They get the same as other malays in Malaysia. The only different in Penang is, the Umno guys cannot tap the government fund into their own pocket, as other state Umno did. This is the main reason why they raised this issue.

Speaking without substances and distorting facts seems to be the good old habitual ways of Malaysia malays, which is probably inherited by their much loved masters, the "malay killers" - Umno.

To add to this, constant distorted facts with regards to the situational state of the Singapore malays remains among the commentators of Umno. It is hard not to see that some people really need to see the situation and know it first hand before dishing out their empty vessel mentalities.

Anyways, good thing you be it Malay, Indian, Chinese in Singapore is open to competition, and cherish diversity. Not like the radical son of terrorist we can find many in Malaysia.

Most malays in Malaysia hate diversity and discontent to the minorities, especially the Chinese. In blog, radical malays can be either extreme or pretentiously diverse-minded. Very few is genuine.

I do admit there are lazy malays that depend on handouts, but this kind of malays will be phase out and this kind I would say hypocrites. They tend to claim they work hard to achieve success, in fact they relaying on government support. I myself despise this kind of human being.

Little do they realize this safety net is fast disappearing because the government is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the system in the face of global challenges! But these handouts have become an addiction. Refuse the junkie and you get booted out of power.

It is the malays themselves that must come to realize the damaging side effects of the NEP. For someone who wants no better than to see his own race succeed, this must be painful.

And you can often see the malays are usually envious of not only the non-malays, but of their own successful malays as well.

Malays failed is a fact. What make non-malays not happy about their failure is, they fail despite get ample help from the government.

And they continue putting the blame on their fail to, especially the Malaysian Chinese. This is why created so many issue and argument here.

But those greedy Umno guys keep emphasis the NEP, how many percent of the country wealth belong to malays. In fact, those Umno guys having super good life by easy way.

And they keep on demanding, not really review what was wrong with it, putting the blame to non-malays, to stir the racist sentiment in the country.

If present situation continue, even the malays get 60% of the country wealth, majority of the malays will still munch.

Simple solution - come to Singapore and see for yourselves even if you want to guise that our Singapore malays are in lesser numbers on success than the Malaysia idiotic counterparts - our Singapore malays are based on merit and not on such keris wielding Umno policies……….are you proud of that?

Once again, in a subtle and indirect manner, this forum has proven how naive and "katak bawah tempurung" a Malaysia malay can be. Blame who? The Umno policies.

Yes, start collecting the achieves with regards to moral degradation among Malaysia malays. Look at the Umno ministers when they speak on national TV. Qualify or not become ministers with such low reactive capabilities?

Some Malaysia malays saying Singapore malays quota should be more in the Singapore cabinet if compared to the Indians. First, Singapore government is based on merit system and not like you bunch of racist morons here. That is why Malaysia is so backward if compared to Korea and others.

Not many Malaysia malays can survive if they go oversea because they are slow and lazy and that is why they can't compete with the competitive market out there. Normally they will end up hiding their heads in Malaysia with the protection and biased system by the Malaysia government.

Come on, man. We do not have time to argue the truth of your on and on talk about "not all malays are spoon fed, not all malays are lazy". Like we are dying to argue that when we already know it is true.

It is human nature to blame everyone about their plight rather than blame themselves. The majority of new generation of malays in Singapore is educated, unlike their parents.

Please read the comments made by Singapore malays why they can hold their heads up and be proud as a Singapore malay and then maybe it will sink into you.

Muslims everywhere unless they are the minority, cannot tolerate people with different religions. The Singapore government handles the situation rather well as they handle their malay community with kid gloves.

abe MIE 'TERJAH' said...

manusia berasal dari beruk ke? jadi Melayu-cina-India berasal dari Beruk?

kauorang baca sejarah tapi tak faham. Bila pendatang datang. Kenapa status Quo diberikan kepada orang Melayu? Kenapa komunis nak ambil Malaysia?

Anonymous said...

Dear Chinese populating this blog, no matter how 'advanced' you think you are, go have a look a see how your kinsman in your motherland China live like. No proper sanitation (Ur cina race shits on th road with gay abondon), eat anything from cockaroaches topigs innards to dogs, your motherland is still running the outdated Communist philiosphy to life thats why most you gooks eat and shit and work like kerbaus.

anad yes, like in the US, UK, and just abt any modern state there is a majority, and Malausiaits th Malays. You can sau Cro-magno, abo, orang asli or whatever, but your fore-fathers came on tongkangs and your mothers were sex slaves to Brits and then the Japs (Rememer Manchuria?).

Say what you like you mongrel race of lowest caste, We Mlays, own you, Even a planned revolt, Malays will eventually unite and purge you.

Fuck u you dog eating race and fuck off DAP scum running dog. This aint no PAP singaporean fuckall movement, we own you, just that, we let you think you are breathing.

Dont let the worst happen, By sheer numbers plus the polce and army we will put u to sleep. You know that.

Fuck off Gooks.

Anonymous said...




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